Topic: Ass or tiddies?

Posted under Art Talk

Good question, Really wondering what's the percentage of peeps here that prefer the buns over the bobs, Dood ╹‿╹)

It all depends really, but personally in a simple general opinion, I say both. If both these features on a character is perfectly propotional on their corresponded body shape, they're good. Boobies for foreplay and Booty for Penetration.

Feet, Thigh, Ass
Creates the Holy Trinity
No matter what angle it bends
It will always make a triangle

Both. Doesn't matter if it's nice tits, nice ass or both in combination. There is no real need to choose one over the other

alphamule said:
You just knew someone was gonna say "feet" instead. :D

Hey man, I'm cultural. I respect the WHOLE bottom
My Description says as such.

alphamule said:
I'm sure Benjamin Franklin would agree. :P

[R]egarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.

—Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress

vulpes_artifex said:
—Benjamin Franklin, Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress

It is really ironic how evangelical nutjobs act like the Founding Fathers were the same brand of extremists they are when we have quotes and records like this.

Liking only tiddies or only ass demonstrates a deficiency of spirit. Remember, the more you give love, the more you have.

vulpes_artifex said:
Liking only tiddies or only ass demonstrates a deficiency of spirit. Remember, the more you give love, the more you have.

bisexual of the rotound parts

Really? No one gonna be that guy, I gotta be that guy? Alrighty then ..


Beyond that my bodily preferences are impossible to comprehend day-by-day XD Today I'm hooked on ferals :p

I'd say voice, but given this is an image forum... good proportions and a look matching the setting.

Bum, pear shape is cutest shape for any gender, no boobs with butt or boobs with butt is just yes, if ya ain't got ass you can pass, and assa boob haver I just don't find em very fun or attractive when all you got is boob