Topic: Tag alias: messy_diaper -> soiled_diaper

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #8586 is pending approval.

remove implication soiling_diaper (2073) -> soiling (6339)
remove implication soiling_diaper (2073) -> diaper (24868)
create implication soiled_diaper (3207) -> soiling (6339)

Reason: Using this BUR to bump this alias

soiling_diaper should not imply soiling nor diaper because messy_diaper (or soiled_diaper soon) already implies them

Edit: Due to the passing of topic #45095, adding soiling implication to soiled_diaper because the soiling tag applies to both present and past soiling, with pooping being used to differentiate current/past

Duplicate of this BUR can be found at topic #45269


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