Topic: What weird dreams you had?

Posted under General

I wanted to question it because I have the strangest experiences when I sleep, have to enjoy some sex fantasies of mine with favourite characters, the others were bizarre and comes out like a video game in it's chaotic state.

patrickthehuman said:
I wanted to question it because I have the strangest experiences when I sleep, have to enjoy some sex fantasies of mine with favourite characters, the others were bizarre and comes out like a video game in it's chaotic state.

I once had a dream where I woke up at my old elementary school. It was this huge, brick building from the 1920s. It was completely empty and so where all the neighborhoods around. It looked like something out of Silent Hill. Suddenly, this pig mutant guy appeared out of nowhere and started chasing me for multiple blocks. I also had a dream where I came across an old bookstore and the only people there were some really old women and a really old dude. The old dude looked in really bad shape and was breathing really loud. I tried to check out some of the books, but he told me to stop because the covers were poisonous. Crazy.

I had a fluffy pony related dream once. I don't remember much other than holding a bunch of foals.

Other than that, I've had dreams about Vaush buying an ancient flash chat I used to use and it becoming super popular again, as well as visiting old buildings that were somehow physical representations of communities I've used.

I had countless dreams to recall, in a nutshell, most of them are erotic sex dreams, others are bizarre wild dreams, some of them came out of Grand Theft Auto, the others are zombies. One time had a dream of the future where I was cryogenically frozen but I was still aging, I appeared more mature and elderly, saw what the dream of the future looks like, had really dark and messed up dreams like murder and mass murder which most of them I was the one who is involve in these imaginary atrocities.

I lost count of how many time I dreamed of myself getting lost inside a massive, elaborate, empty bathroom with seemingly endless stalls

From last year.

Was outside of a Walmart and two older folks were tossing coins at pigeons. The birds were eating the money.

Sometimes dreams seem so real, but one thing is off. =@.@=

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