Topic: Pool tagging

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

To be honest I am tired that on a comic of 30 pages to place the same tag that all pages have. Like comic or digital art. So I suggest that pools have an option to add tags to all images added to the pool, like one post an image and just add it to the pool, no longer worrying about some meta tags that one might forget.

And if the tag doesn’t apply, one can simply edit the tag on the specific image to delete the tag.

It is already possible to do this through a search like pool:1174747, though mass post edits are intentionally restricted to higher account levels.

lafcadio said:
It is already possible to do this through a search like pool:1174747, though mass post edits are intentionally restricted to higher account levels.

Of course through search, but what I mean is automate the searching through post to just setting common tags to be added when a post is added to a pool.

virial23 said:
Of course through search, but what I mean is automate the searching through post to just setting common tags to be added when a post is added to a pool.

This seems like it would be very commonly abused. People have enough trouble remembering that posts are supposed to be tagged without reference to events which are only depicted in other posts as it is.

wat8548 said:
This seems like it would be very commonly abused. People have enough trouble remembering that posts are supposed to be tagged without reference to events which are only depicted in other posts as it is.

Yea, this could be a feature only to artists or those who post for those artists in the dnp list.

virial23 said:
Yea, this could be a feature only to artists or those who post for those artists in the dnp list.

That would increase, not decrease, the probability of abuse. Most artists suck at tagging.

And now we circle back around to mass editing being restricted to users who've proven they deserve it, who can already semi-automatically apply valid tags to an entire pool. Nothing has changed.

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