Topic: How long did it take someone to find out you are a fur?

Posted under General

All my friends and family don’t know I am a fur, besides a super close friend. Eventually, I am expecting someone to find out because I have been a fur for about 6 years.

Day 2797: I have successfully infiltrated their ranks as a "janitor". They still don't know I'm not a furry.

lafcadio said:
Day 2797: I have successfully infiltrated their ranks as a "janitor". They still don't know I'm not a furry.

lmao. I meant like people outside of the community, mainly family/friends.

It has never come up with family and pretty rarely among friends. During those rare occasions, I was an asshole about people being into it before gradually developing my own interest. Thanks, in large part, to furry pornography.

peacethroughpower said:
It has never come up with family and pretty rarely among friends. During those rare occasions, I was an asshole about people being into it before gradually developing my own interest. Thanks, in large part, to furry pornography.

It’s definitely cool to see that you stopped being an asshole about it. I almost had the exact experience, but I never had anyone bring up me being a furry. (besides my close friend who was ok with it)

con32 said:
It’s definitely cool to see that you stopped being an asshole about it. I almost had the exact experience, but I never had anyone bring up me being a furry. (besides my close friend who was ok with it)

Well, this was when I was like 15, to be clear.

I also remember a kid in Boy Scouts who was a furry so we discussed that a bit. (He was also into me romantically and I didn't handle that well. Not in a homophobic way, more in a weird pushing boundaries as an ill-advised experiment way. Don't feel great about that!)

(Also, he had a micropenis.)

People usually find it out as soon as they see my profile pictures.
My sister know it, and she doesn't mind it even a little bit.
My mom knows it, and doesn't understand what it is about.
And my non-furry friends know it, and they joke around, that it is all about porn, just to annoy me :D
All in all, I don't care if anyone knows it.


I don't hide my interests.

I told my mom and step-dad I like furry animals
I used to draw furry animals
And when I was in HS my friend snatched my tablet and found my collection of NSFW Furry Art.
I was MORE EMBARRESED that he found my NSFW collection of Xenomorph [Alien TM] Images though.

I mean....who has a collection of Xenomorph images just in their Tablet??? me...

Funny. It was.

I don't really hide it from non-furry friends, my discord pfp is my fursona.
My partner is a furry too.
My family's aware of it because I went to a couple local cons in my teens and my sister's a furry as well, but I do try to keep my personal life kinda separate from them. My sister and I don't talk about it.


I guess I never really told my family. Married a furry, couldn't imagine being married to a hooman. Kid will probably turn out furry too. Hard to say.

lafcadio said:
Day 2797: I have successfully infiltrated their ranks as a "janitor". They still don't know I'm not a furry.


It's not really something I'm afraid of people finding out, but I'd find it pretty weird to just suddenly bring up in conversation with anybody. I also wouldn't really like to find out what degenerate kinks my friends had either.

My family already disowned me years ago, it's not like them finding out I'm interested in anthropomorphic animals can possibly make that any worse.

I grew up in a place where people didn't really use internet that much besides Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and the "mainstream" media, it was weird to find someone that knew what anime was. At first, I used to hide it with everything I could, kinda like a dirty pleasure, but as soon as I realized that 99% of the people around me wouldn't notice or even care, I didn't hide it in any way.
The past year, a classmate saw my phone wallpaper and said "Oh no, you're a furry" (Not in a mean way), and he was to first person to call me like that irl.

My family must don't know what a furry is, and I think is better that way. I'm not gonna try to explain to them.
My boyfriend also didn't know what a furry was, until he someday asked me, out of nowhere, "What is a furry?" and I had no choice but to explain to him.

Been over a dozen years, still nobody's realized--or just haven't mentioned that they realized.

For me, it looks like that a few months after I became interested in these pictures, I told my parents and some friends from the network about it. They took it quite calmly, and some even got excited about it as much as I did. :)

Does anyone have any feeling for what the split in female vs male furries are?
Im obviously Male :)

zxspa said:
I grew up in a place where people didn't really use internet that much besides Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and the "mainstream" media, it was weird to find someone that knew what anime was. At first, I used to hide it with everything I could, kinda like a dirty pleasure, but as soon as I realized that 99% of the people around me wouldn't notice or even care, I didn't hide it in any way.
The past year, a classmate saw my phone wallpaper and said "Oh no, you're a furry" (Not in a mean way), and he was to first person to call me like that irl.

My family must don't know what a furry is, and I think is better that way. I'm not gonna try to explain to them.
My boyfriend also didn't know what a furry was, until he someday asked me, out of nowhere, "What is a furry?" and I had no choice but to explain to him.

If you don't mind my asking, what's it like dating someone who isn't a furry?

thomasup said:
Does anyone have any feeling for what the split in female vs male furries are?
Im obviously Male :)

Female here
There's a group who takes a demographics survey at Anthrocon sometimes and their most recent survey was online in 2020, and of their sample, 73% were male in 2020.
The sample may not be totally representative of the whole population of furries though, especially the surveys that were taken at cons, since not all furries go to cons.

Since my only engagement with the furry community is through porn, no one knows. I don't go around telling people what I jerk off to.
I'd probably never tell anyone anyway. My friends are very much the type of people who reply "kill it with fire" when it comes to furries. So it's best not to bring it up unnecessarily


poontang said:
Since my only engagement with the furry community is through porn, no one knows. I don't go around telling people what I jerk off to.
I'd probably never tell anyone anyway. My friends are very much the type of people who reply "kill it with fire" when it comes to furries. So it's best not to bring it up unnecessarily

Yeah, same here. The only reason my friend knows I am into furry porn is because my friend told me he was into furry porn,so I told him I was as well. (for clarification we were friends for like 9 years before so this wasn’t just some random person I’m telling). Other than that I don’t plan on telling anybody else about being into furry porn.


Former Staff

While I don't consider myself a furry, nobody I know is aware that I help manage a furry archive.
I prefer to keep it a secret because it's difficult to explain to people why a non-furry would be on an 18+ furry image archive.
Although I don't believe anyone I know would mind if they found out, there might be the occasional joke or some individuals who simply don't understand it.

Dang, so many of the staff of an 18+ furry archive aren't furries. Are there any more peeps here that would like to disclose their non-furriness?

'is this person a (non-falsifiable identity label, in this case "furry")?' isn't a question with a definite answer, because the definition of the label is completely subject to negotiation. You have to say what precisely you mean by that label.

ie. the label 'furry' is just as much of a miscommunication as any other non-falsifiable identity label. Do you consider any person who enjoys anthropomorphic art to 'be a furry'? Or do they have to *particularly* enjoy anthropomorphic art over other artistic themes? Do they have to have a fursona, and if so, is it adequate just to have one, or must they identify with it to a significant degree?
If they do not consider themselves a furry, should that preclude you considering them a furry; and the converse, if they DO consider themselves a furry, should that override whatever definition you are using to assess whether someone is a furry?

The variation in how people answer the above is an example of why I regard non-falsifiable identity labels as simply invalid. You are free to think of anybody as a furry, but the assertion 'X is a furry' contains no definite information other than your willingness to make such an assertion.

Not a furry, but a furry-fucker. As soon I told a crazy story dream of me intercoursing with a known character you know as soon I mention her, Reverie from my past vivid dream, at first the entire group were talking a chaotic discussion before they died down and jumped into conclusion, they still considered me as a friend with some grain of salt, though our friendship runs great and made it a inside joke and are tolerant about it.

This one of course took place in discord, one year ago.

patrickthehuman said:
Not a furry, but a furry-fucker. As soon I told a crazy story dream of me intercoursing with a known character you know as soon I mention her, Reverie from my past vivid dream, at first the entire group were talking a chaotic discussion before they died down and jumped into conclusion, they still considered me as a friend with some grain of salt, though our friendship runs great and made it a inside joke and are tolerant about it.

This one of course took place in discord, one year ago.

Yeah, I classify my self in the same area of not really being a furry but still being into anthro animals.