Topic: Tag alias: youshouyan -> Fabulous_Beasts

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #63450 youshouyan -> fabulous_beasts has been approved.

Reason: BiliBili recently released a lot of animated episodes of this franchise, and decided to officially translate it as "Fabulous Beasts" as can be seen in the Youtube's playlist. "There be beasts" should be the correct translation but will be copyrighted as the first option


EDIT: The tag alias youshouyan -> fabulous_beasts (forum #371016) has been approved by @scaliespe.

Updated by auto moderator

I'm not sure why this isn't approved yet? The official English name is Fabulous Beasts, so I think this one should be approved, and should be denied. mods please pick something, people just use any old tag now.

Url doesn't work because they've deleted the playlist and possibly hidden the videos after the first one. This alias is still correct though.

Reject these
topic #42609
topic #41239


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