Topic: Discord server vanished and the invite link isn't working

Posted under General

im not really sure where to post this but the discord server just vanished for me and i have no idea why?

i also tried to re-joine the server Via the link on e6 but it giving me this msg.

"You don't have the permission to access the requested resource. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server."

also! is it possible that the 403 error i get while using the invite link here on e6 means that i got banned? and if so id like to find out as to why i was banned since i try follow the rules as sticky as possible to avoid this since i love the server.

You were banned for posting edgy memes, apparently.

Being an edgelord again. Meme with a bunch of (presumably) muslims praying with a minesweeper overlay.

Sounds like it wasn’t your first time, either.

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