Topic: [Feature] Frequently Used Tags bar

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Most of us have particular things we like and that we search for regularly. It would be nice if we could quickly assemble searches composed of our favorite tags without having to type anything. I envision a customizable set of tags, possibly displayed between the "Tags" and "Related" sections of a search; each would add the tag to the search bar when clicked (but unlike the + in the normal tag bar, would not actually perform the search). Suppose I set my frequently used tags to feline, canine, male, and female, I could construct the search male canine by clicking on those tags.

faucet said:
You're probably looking for "Frequent tags" in the advanced tab of the user account settings.

I already use that. As far as I can tell, it's used to add tags to posts, not searches, but do tell me if I'm wrong about that.

Agree but it would be weak to just do tags, it needs generic terms[1] and maybe also specifically prefix cycling[2].

[1] order:random, age:>7_days or score:>10 being examples of things that are useful terms but not tags. Major taggers would probably find things like 'chartags:<1' useful.
[2] canine -> -canine -> ~canine, so each item would have 4 possible states, the first being 'not in the search terms at all'. This would make it easy to a) combine searches, b) make searches that specifically exclude the terms you used in searches you had previously done.

Ideally each item could also contain multiple terms, which would speed up search composition further.

I believe all of this could be implemented client side via a userscript, but I don't think anyone has yet.

savageorange said:
Agree but it would be weak to just do tags, it needs generic terms[1] and maybe also specifically prefix cycling[2].

[1] order:random, age:>7_days or score:>10 being examples of things that are useful terms but not tags. Major taggers would probably find things like 'chartags:<1' useful.
[2] canine -> -canine -> ~canine, so each item would have 4 possible states, the first being 'not in the search terms at all'. This would make it easy to a) combine searches, b) make searches that specifically exclude the terms you used in searches you had previously done.

Ideally each item could also contain multiple terms, which would speed up search composition further.

I believe all of this could be implemented client side via a userscript, but I don't think anyone has yet.

Good ideas. I think there should also be a "clear" button that empties the search bar.



Go full-blown and make it for any search form as an extension? Actually, I suspect there already is an extension you could base it off of, adapted to e621 tags. Haha, this ancient thing. Doesn't work anymore, but it was convenient.

Some interesting results for booru taglist extensions: I use uMatrix so this doesn't get to do the syndication pop-under thing. Same list without the JS trickery. Apparently these are plugins from the booru server's POV, not clients?

I'm actually surprised there's no tag tree navigator for forms like I'm thinking would be handy. Closest I saw was the tag relations feature in tagging boxes. It might make tagging a lot more accurate, consistent, and complete, at least on newer images. Having it applied to search would be even better.


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