Topic: immobilizing_anatomy tag discussion

Posted under General

This user removed the immobilizing_anatomy tag from all posts. Does anyone know if there was a reason? I added this tag to many posts; I think it's a nice tag to have.

The wiki page for immobile says "A character that cannot stand up or move due to their body being too heavy" which is similar to what I'm looking for but this description is more directed towards weight rather than things like a hyper penis (which may be heavy, or may just make movement (nearly-)impossible due to being such an awkward shape that's difficult to pick up. Also, immobile seems like it can be frequently mistagged with bound characters, for example post #4212443 is tagged as immobile, so I am wondering if immobilizing_anatomy should be brought back as a helpful tag to distinguish what's going on with immobile, and maybe immobile can be an umbrella tag or disambiguation tag. Anyway, it was removed without a discussion, so it's worth having the discussion now.

Unless there's another existing tag for this, I don't see the harm of having immobilizing_anatomy. Characters can have their movement hindered in different ways, this is just one of them.

I think "immobilized" would sound better than "Immobile", but it's aliased to immobilization.

I'd say immobilized_by_anatomy would be the best tag name for this, the old one kinda sounds like bondage. maybe we could do with a whole imobilized_by_* tag family, but I'm not sure if that'd be needed.

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