Topic: Tag implication: Soul_patch -> facial_hair

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

cloudpie said:
I guess I meant, isn't a soul patch considered a type of beard?
I suppose it might not be though lol. TIL

I wouldn’t call that a beard any more than I’d call a mustache a beard, personally.

+1 for facial_hair, it can be part of a beard, but a moustache can be part of a "full beard" but nobody would regard it as a beard alone.

The majority of dictionary definitions I randomly picked from the Internet only refer to it as "hair" or "facial hair" with Merriam-Webster (of course) being the only exception that actually uses the word beard in its definition.


a small area of hair on a man's face just below his mouth


a small patch of facial hair below the centre of the lower lip and above the chin

A soul patch is small, carefully shaped bit of facial hair just below the lip, usually with the rest of the chin or face shaven.


a small growth of beard under a man's lower lip


A small (cultivated) tuft of facial hair directly below the lower lip, worn alone or in addition to a moustache or beard.


A soul patch, also known as a mouche, is a single small patch of facial hair just below the lower lip and above the chin.

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