Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: pool -> swimming_pool

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

faucet said:
No, disambiguations are too confusing for the average user, we need to have this pointless tag instead.

(Reference: topic #35332)

I and a few other people were voluntarily policing this tag and keeping it down to zero for a few months, but it's futile while the admins continue to throw this strange and arbitrary hissy fit. I can't speak for anyone else, but I eventually gave up because some of the uses of "pool" didn't seem to be adequately covered by any of the existing tags. It can be difficult to tell whether a low-detail image of two naked characters in a body of water should be tagged swimming_pool and skinning_dipping, or public_bath and social_nudity. Often characters would simply be floating in a body of water with no visible sides or bottom, which could have been a bathtub or an ocean for all we know.

The specific post that finally made me give up was post #3909809. What even would be the correct tag for what the artist describes as "some nondescript blue-purple sludge"? abstract_pool?

I think we should create a few new tags before making a serious effort to clean out the problem cases.

If it can't be aliased and it can't be implied (topic #41699) can we please just go back to disambiguation already?

There's no point in this tag existing which primarily functions as a synonym of swimming_pool, yet only has less than 10% of the usage. It serves nothing but to confuse users trying to find swimming pools and provide a small subset of the images to the people who never figure out it's not actually the correct tag.


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