Topic: [BUR] Makeshift Instruments

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #5589 is pending approval.

create implication improvised_musical_instrument (11) -> musical_instrument (13020)
create implication makeshift_instrument (7) -> improvised_musical_instrument (11)
create implication cigar_box_guitar (3) -> makeshift_instrument (7)
create implication cigar_box_guitar (3) -> guitar (6175)
create implication cigar_box_guitar (3) -> string_instrument (8496)

Reason: Cigar box guitars are, as the name implies, guitars where the body is made from a guitar box rather than a properly made body.

A makeshift_instrument tag would be useful for 'improperly made' instruments. Ones made from scraps like cigar box guitars, or objects that are modified to be an instrument like Marceline's axe bass (see post #2871377).
We do have improvised_musical_instrument, but that seems more appropriate for items that aren't normally intended to be instruments, like playing the spoons.
Though makeshift instruments should imply improvised. Not all improvised instruments are cobbled together parts, but if you're cobbling together parts, you're definitely improvising

tags created for pool #36417
