Topic: Female Tags Clean Up

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

dimoretpinel said:
The bisexual_female tag only contained one post, so I removed it. I think a "bisexual_(lore)" tag would be cool.

post #4202710
This one? The bisexual tag is because of there being a penis between them... they probably meant to add two tags (typo).

bisexual_male Highly doubt that many was by accident, though. :)
bisexual_male -male/bisexual_male -bisexual <-- Made sure the implications made sense. Going to go through and verify if it's actually bisexual.
bisexual_male -male -female Apparently, this covered all cases.

Here 's an example where it should probably not be tagged bisexual, nor female/female since you can't tell with Susie. Just as an example of (in)valid use. There's tons of tags like this where more than half of those 16 pages should have it but don't.


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