Topic: Parenting nudibranch tags

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #5712 is pending approval.

create implication aeolid_nudibranch (70) -> nudibranch (362)
create implication aeolid_nudibranch_humanoid (10) -> aeolid_nudibranch (70)
create implication aeolid_nudibranch_humanoid (10) -> nudibranch_humanoid (48)
create implication chromodorid (0) -> dorid_nudibranch (142)
create implication chromodoris (0) -> chromodorid (0)
create implication chromodoris_dianae (1) -> chromodoris (0)
create implication chromodoris_lochi (2) -> chromodoris (0)
create implication chromodoris_willani (1) -> chromodoris (0)
create implication dorid_nudibranch (142) -> nudibranch (362)
create implication dorid_nudibranch_humanoid (35) -> dorid_nudibranch (142)
create implication dorid_nudibranch_humanoid (35) -> nudibranch_humanoid (48)
create implication glaucus_atlanticus (0) -> aeolid_nudibranch (70)
create implication jorunna_parva (140) -> dorid_nudibranch (142)
create implication nembrotha (0) -> dorid_nudibranch (142)
create implication nembrotha_cristata (1) -> nembrotha (0)
create implication nembrotha_kubaryana (12) -> nembrotha (0)
create implication spanish_dancer (27) -> dorid_nudibranch (142)
create implication spanish_shawl (1) -> aeolid_nudibranch (70)
create alias variable_neon_slug (4) -> nembrotha_kubaryana (12)

Reason: Requesting for parenting of tags for nudibranchs taxonomy

Nudibranchs can be classified into two main types: the aeolid nudibranchs of the clade Aeolidida and the dorid nudibranchs of the superfamily Doridoidea

Aeolids include species such as the blue sea dragon (Glaucus atlanticus) and Spanish shawl (Flabellinopsis iodinea). They usually have soft little spike-looking things called cerata.

Dorids include the Chromodorididae family with the type genus Chromodoris, as well as other families with the Nembrotha genus and the sea bunny (Jorunna parva). They usually don't have cerata, just the rhinophores.


I have to say that the above is going to vomit on us unless glaucus_atlanticus and jorunna_parva are unimplied from nudibranch first.

Even so, I'd tweak this a bit, to be honest. First, I'd swap some of those scientific names for common names as appropriate. So sea_bunny, blue_sea_dragon, loch's_chromodoris, and willan's_chromodoris for jorunna_parva, glaucus_atlanticus, chromodoris_lochi, and chromodoris_willani. That will mean that sea_bunny will have to be unaliased from jorunna_parva first.

Blue_sea_dragon already has a couple of posts (both correctly tagged), so it's been around for a while without being confused for mythical dragons. There's another Sea Bunny tag, but they're a character who is a – what else? – sea bunny.

Nevertheless, we're kind of stuck with using a few less familiar terms for the majority of Users. While all nudibranches are sea slugs, not all sea slugs are nudibranches. Chromodoris dianae and Nembrotha cristata don't have common names as far as Wikipedia shows. The same goes for Chromodoris and Nembrotha, which would be on the same level as Canis and Felis.

Also, I think we could remove chromodorid as being an unnecessary tier. If I'm wrong, and e621 does end up with a bunch of sea slugs from Felimida, Ceratosoma, Mexichromis, and/or any of the other thirteen genera of chromodorids, then we can add it in while I munch on my foot again.

My proposed revision to the above BUR:

imply aeolid_nudibranch -> nudibranch
imply aeolid_nudibranch_humanoid -> aeolid_nudibranch
imply aeolid_nudibranch_humanoid -> nudibranch_humanoid
imply spanish_shawl -> aeolid_nudibranch
imply dorid_nudibranch -> nudibranch
imply dorid_nudibranch_humanoid -> dorid_nudibranch
imply dorid_nudibranch_humanoid -> nudibranch_humanoid
imply spanish_dancer -> dorid_nudibranch
imply chromodoris -> dorid_nudibranch
imply chromodoris_dianae -> chromodoris
imply loch's_chromodoris -> chromodoris
imply willan's_chromodoris -> chromodoris
alias chromodoris_lochi -> loch's_chromodoris
alias chromodoris_willani -> willan's_chromodoris
imply nembrotha -> dorid_nudibranch
imply nembrotha_cristata -> nembrotha
imply variable_neon_slug -> nembrotha
alias nembrotha_kubaryana -> variable_neon_slug
unimply glaucus_atlanticus -> nudibranch
unimply jorunna_parva -> nudibranch

followed up by:

alias glaucus_atlanticus -> blue_sea_dragon
alias jorunna_parva -> sea_bunny
imply blue_sea_dragon -> aeolid_nudibranch
imply sea_bunny -> dorid_nudibranch


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