Topic: Oral PoV Tags

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I've noticed that occasionally the fellatio_pov and cunnilingus_pov tags are tagged on posts where it is instead from the perspective of the one receiving rather than the one giving, this has made me wonder if there might be some utility from being more specific and having a version for giving and a version for receiving, like having giving_fellatio_pov, receiving_fellatio_pov and so on. I think being specific with these perspectives might be more clear than the top_pov and bottom_pov tags, and may lead to more consistent tagging of these perspectives, as currently the names are vague enough that they can be interpreted either way, and it may not hurt to have counterpart tags for receiving since the current ones are about giving.

elyren said:
I've noticed that occasionally the fellatio_pov and cunnilingus_pov tags are tagged on posts where it is instead from the perspective of the one receiving rather than the one giving, this has made me wonder if there might be some utility from being more specific and having a version for giving and a version for receiving, like having giving_fellatio_pov, receiving_fellatio_pov and so on. I think being specific with these perspectives might be more clear than the top_pov and bottom_pov tags, and may lead to more consistent tagging of these perspectives, as currently the names are vague enough that they can be interpreted either way, and it may not hurt to have counterpart tags for receiving since the current ones are about giving.

Usually dominant_pov submissive_pov penetrating_pov and receiving_pov work

bdanimare said:
Usually dominant_pov submissive_pov penetrating_pov and receiving_pov work

Right, I understand that a mix of tags can work to an extent, but my point is in part that those oral perspective tags are specifically giving, you could interpret that as submissive in most cases probably but not all. Due to a lack of clarity though, people sometimes use those tags for receiving, which again could be dominant but could also be submissive so those tags don't necessarily clear it up. I also found that there is already a pair of such tags for footjobs, there's giving_footjob_pov and receiving_footjob_pov, so this has been done with a different sex act before. My thinking is mostly that it'd lead to less mistagging if these existing tags were split up into the two perspectives, with the benefit of it being a bit easier to search for the receiving versions of the acts as well. There's a handful of perspective tags like the ones you mentioned or the top and bottom ones that in my experience aren't used as consistently, I think in part because some of them are vague. Dominant, top, submissive, and bottom can vary a lot based on context and may not always be tagged which makes them iffier for searching compared to penetrating, receiving, fellatio and cunnilingus povs where the act rather than contextual dynamic is what is described. So, yeah, I'm really just testing the waters here on whether more clarity would be better in this case.

elyren said:
Right, I understand that a mix of tags can work to an extent, but my point is in part that those oral perspective tags are specifically giving, you could interpret that as submissive in most cases probably but not all. Due to a lack of clarity though, people sometimes use those tags for receiving, which again could be dominant but could also be submissive so those tags don't necessarily clear it up. I also found that there is already a pair of such tags for footjobs, there's giving_footjob_pov and receiving_footjob_pov, so this has been done with a different sex act before. My thinking is mostly that it'd lead to less mistagging if these existing tags were split up into the two perspectives, with the benefit of it being a bit easier to search for the receiving versions of the acts as well. There's a handful of perspective tags like the ones you mentioned or the top and bottom ones that in my experience aren't used as consistently, I think in part because some of them are vague. Dominant, top, submissive, and bottom can vary a lot based on context and may not always be tagged which makes them iffier for searching compared to penetrating, receiving, fellatio and cunnilingus povs where the act rather than contextual dynamic is what is described. So, yeah, I'm really just testing the waters here on whether more clarity would be better in this case.

Yeah for blowjobs "giving" and "receiving" can be seen as either dom or sub for both. The best option would be to use the dom and sub pov tags since it's not ambiguous then and not worrying about making a blowjob-specific pov tag since you could just go "fellatio + submissive_pov". It does get a little weird like you said but in general the person having their stuff slurped would be dom and the one doing the shlurping would be the sub regardless of actual context.