Topic: Does a dead fish make a trio?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

gemnispecies said:
This post is tagged duo. But there are tags for the dead fish in the scene. Should it be tagged as trio? It feels wrong, personally. But it also feels wrong to be tagging the fish.

The fish should be tagged (TWYS, and you see the fish), but it's duo, since the dead fish doesn't count as a character.

snpthecat said:
the dead fish doesn't count as a character.

Doesn't it count since it's directly interacting with a character in the image?

I guess it depends on if

An ambient creature is defined as a feral or unrecognizable creature that does not interact, have no personality, and clearly not the subject of the post.

means that anything that satisfies one of those requirements is ambient? I was reading it as if it needed all three to be ambient. i.e. must not interact AND have no personality AND be clearly not the subject of the post

gemnispecies said:
Doesn't it count since it's directly interacting with a character in the image?

I guess it depends on if
means that anything that satisfies one of those requirements is ambient? I was reading it as if it needed all three to be ambient. i.e. must not interact AND have no personality AND be clearly not the subject of the post

I believe it technically has all 3. A (cooked/prepared) thanksgiving turkey wouldnt count as a character, even if another character was eating (interacting with) it


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