Topic: Tag alias: oblivious -> unaware

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

dxballman said:
The tag alias #64957 oblivious -> unaware is pending approval.

Reason: Unaware and Oblivious have same meaning

Not sure. They're basically dictionary synonyms, but "oblivious" has a connotation of "hopelessly ignorant" whereas "unaware" is more neutral, e.g. "unaware she's being watched". Noting that clueless is an alias of oblivious, which maybe helps illustrate that.

It would be good to clarify the difference on the wiki pages and add examples on unaware (oblivious already has some).

Maybe some of these are good examples for unaware (none of these are also tagged oblivious):

post #3931883 post #4120432 post #3684008 post #3133505 post #2189778

Contrast to oblivious (none of these are tagged unaware):

post #4455478 post #4393268 post #4365564 post #4110252 post #3830775

There are probably a lot of posts that should be tagged both, though. They're mostly tagged only one or the other at the moment, but here are some examples with both:

post #4400649 post #3566638 post #3199972 post #3291268 post #2088343

The wiki for "unaware" indicates specifically that the character is unaware "of another" (implicitly "another character") - but that's not always the case in its usage - various examples above show a character being unaware of their situation (generally absence of clothes).

edit: This topic is also related to topic #41488.


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