Topic: Animal Stereotypes

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i've sort of noticed that whenever a new movie trailer or game comes out, the most popular character for fan art is immediately the fox. does anyone really know where it came from? foxes being the default fanservice species? asia as a continent has always had sultry foxes in mythology, but it's almost universal in western media now too. i'm not complaining, i really like my sneaky fox girls, but i do wish we could get some variety for personality/occupation types, maybe a fox who's less overtly sensual. one of my favorite anthro characters is master viper, because she's a complete inversion of venomous snakes being mean. let me know of some other anthro characters who defy stereotypes.

idk why foxes, exactly. Disney's Robin Hood? them being common enough main characters in children's media about animals due to centuries-long status as tricksters in European folklore? maybe just being a visually striking and appealing little animal? perhaps all of them and more

Way back in the early days of yiffstar, I noticed that most human x furry stories had foxes as main characters. For whatever reason, foxes just seemed to be the most common furry "race" back in the late 90s-early 2000s. You wanted a character that was meant to be an instant sex kitten? You made a vixen. Wolves were cool, but foxes had sex appeal. I even heard a joke saying that "yiff" was the sound of two foxes rubbing together. No idea where it all came from.


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