Topic: Should there be a pokemon_on_pokemon tag?

Posted under General

Apologies if it's been brought up before, I did search but I couldn't find anything relevant.

As the title suggests, should there be such a tag to denote the sexual act between two Pokemon? anthro_on_pokemon and feral_on_pokemon have been aliased to pokephilia , so it seems strange that's been omitted, even the wiki for pokephilia states "Anything but another Pokemon" but gives no suggestion for that grouping.

I'd say no. If there was, there'd be no reason to not also have digimon_on_digimon, or neopet_on_neopet, or temtem_on_temtem, or any other species group someone comes up with, which would be very messy. Especially if people then start wanting pokemon_on_digimon, or temtem_on_fakemon, etc.

watsit said:
I'd say no. If there was, there'd be no reason to not also have digimon_on_digimon, or neopet_on_neopet, or temtem_on_temtem, or any other species group someone comes up with, which would be very messy. Especially if people then start wanting pokemon_on_digimon, or temtem_on_fakemon, etc.

That is true, it would become rather messy with the combinations you could potentially have. What about something like franchise_on_franchise ?- group everything up under one tag and then people can have the option to search that plus their desired matchup.