Topic: Tag alias: genderfluid -> nonbinary_(lore)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #65118 genderfluid -> nonbinary_(lore) is pending approval.

Reason: The genderfluid tag wiki already says that it's defunct, and the nonbinary_(lore) tag wiki already says that it includes genderfluid characters.

So either genderfluid should be aliased to nonbinary, or genderfluid should be made into it's own distinct lore tag, possibly that implicates nonbinary.

I wanted to set up a BUR to move agender, genderfluid and bigender to lore, but I'm getting "Antecedent name has already been taken", I assume because of this.

My proposed BUR:

alias agender -> agender_(lore)
alias genderfluid -> genderfluid_(lore)
alias gender_fluid -> genderfluid_(lore)
alias fluid_gender -> genderfluid_(lore)
alias bigender -> bigender_(lore)
category agender_(lore) -> lore
category genderfluid_(lore) -> lore
category bigender_(lore) -> lore

The above should be rejected, as genderfluid is a specific gender/identity and should not just be aliased into a more general tag.

Donovan DMC

Former Staff

nimphia said:
I wanted to set up a BUR to move agender, genderfluid and bigender to lore, but I'm getting "Antecedent name has already been taken", I assume because of this.

My proposed BUR:
The above should be rejected, as genderfluid is a specific gender/identity and should not just be aliased into a more general tag.

Do we need those tags though?

donovan_dmc said:
Do we need those tags though?

...Why not? It's something that I can see being useful for search for some people (myself included, I'd like to be able to search for agender characters). They're common enough, I don't think we need lore tags for every single identity on Earth but I think it'd be a mistake to completely throw these away. At the very least for agender and genderfluid, I'm not suuuper attached to bigender.

There's also characters that might not be considered nonbinary by their creators but are considered agender or genderfluid by them. (I sometimes see this for "null" characters and shapeshifters, where this is the norm for the character/their species biology-wise.)

hgj1cwnfgl said:
My proposed BUR:
The above should be rejected, as genderfluid is a specific gender/identity and should not just be aliased into a more general tag.

i strongly agree with this, i came into the forums just now specifically to ask for this
i don't think genderfluid should be aliased to nonbinary because not all genderfluid individuals identify as nonbinary; they can be fluid between only binary genders, for example.

it should not be a general tag because it's not something that can be determined through TWYS.

since this got bumped: I think I'd generally agree with what Nimphia had said, although, I feel like agender would necessarily be, at the very least, a subset of nonbinary. or at least, I can't conceptualize a situation where that wouldn't be true*.

and I want to say the same could apply to bigender as well... although at the same time, something about saying that BIgender is nonBInary makes my skull hurt.


at least, not in reference to modern human society, because that's all we can reasonably base our tags on. if we start to try to take, like, xeno-social norms into account for these tags stuff would start to get real fucky.

Why does the genderfluid wiki page link to the Wikipedia article about nonbinary gender when there's a Wikipedia page for genderfluidity? lol

dba_afish said:
and I want to say the same could apply to bigender as well... although at the same time, something about saying that BIgender is nonBInary makes my skull hurt.

Ultrabinary o_O
I've seen bigender identity be considered a nonbinary identity. It does break with the traditional gender binary.