Topic: Follow Artist feature?

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Can we get an option to follow artists? That way you can go to a feed pool of all the artists your following and sort by all or new?
I think that would be really helpful
sorry if this has been suggested b4!

crispyfish said:
Can we get an option to follow artists? That way you can go to a feed pool of all the artists your following and sort by all or new?
I think that would be really helpful
sorry if this has been suggested b4!

It has been. Many, many, many, many times.

As long as you don't want to follow more than 40 artists, you can get the same thing you want by bookmarking a search for ~artist1 ~artist2 ~artist3 ~artist4 etc. Basically every tag you want to follow, separated by spaces, with a ~ in front of each tag.

wat8548 said:
It has been. Many, many, many, many times.

As long as you don't want to follow more than 40 artists, you can get the same thing you want by bookmarking a search for ~artist1 ~artist2 ~artist3 ~artist4 etc. Basically every tag you want to follow, separated by spaces, with a ~ in front of each tag.

Okay, sorry, I didnt know. I just figured out how to use the blacklist properly lol

cloudpie said:
RE621 has this feature, I recommend it :)

This is amazing! Thank you very much for the recommendation. Finally something to help sort the artists in my favorites.

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