Topic: Skipping porn scenes

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I was gifted Nekopara volume 1 as a joke for the "worst christmas gift ever".

However, I’m too nice to reject a gift, and it would go against the joke to do so. So now, I have Nekopara in my Steam library.

I intend to play it for the achievements (and the "story"), but skip the porn scenes. I figured here would be the best place to ask, so my friends don’t see me trying to escape their dastardly plan…

Are the porn scenes skippable?


From what I recall, there is an 18+ patch sold as dlc, which is what adds the porn scenes in the first place. As long as you don't own that too I shouldn't even have any.
Also I'm fairly sure it has the standard VN setup where holding ctrl fast-forwards through.

quenir said:
From what I recall, there is an 18+ patch sold as dlc, which is what adds the porn scenes in the first place. As long as you don't own that too I shouldn't even have any.
Also I'm fairly sure it has the standard VN setup where holding ctrl fast-forwards through.

also, if you do have the DLC steam now allows you to disable it via the DLC/Addons tab in the games properties. it's a bit clunky as i believe there's no way to pre set it on install (Hello 100+ GB install for halo: master chief collection) but it's been used in the past to get rid of unwanted vampire DLC in the saints row games.