Topic: [Feature]

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

(Unsure if it’s been asked/rejected before. Pls dont stab me.)

Blacklist implication(?)
Or at least some suggestions on a dedicated blacklist page.
Simply put, based on tag implications within your blacklist, a generated list (when requested, not constantly generating for all users) will show additional tags that could be added to the blacklist to give more coverage when wanted from a user.

For example, although not exactly defined as implication tags as they function within E6, just hear me out on a conceptual level: a blacklist containing blood, might suggest ‘menstruation, gore, wounded’ as addition blacklist tags to be added.

This feature could be useful for posts that haven’t been fully tagged or extreme topics that people will blacklist, that has some new un-matched tag that is talking about the same thing.

Unsure how this would be implemented for posts where tags are just entirely incorrect, or posts that at least temporarily have misspelled or un-aliased tags, but food for thought this one… perhaps.

thatsmyfettish said:
Or at least some suggestions on a dedicated blacklist page.

A good list can be found at e621:blacklisting suggestions.

It's already linked from the blacklisting help page, but it probably wouldn't be bad to link directly from underneath the blacklist edit form.

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