Thread title, on w10 and that don't need to register to download it.
It seems it was easier to find something like that in the past or maybe me and/or Google are getting worse...
Posted under Off Topic
Thread title, on w10 and that don't need to register to download it.
It seems it was easier to find something like that in the past or maybe me and/or Google are getting worse...
If you don't mind command line, you can do either imagemagick, ffmpeg, or gifsicle.
I remember ezgif doing a surprisingly decent job for a webapp.
Use a command line program like FFPMEG, please. Any online sources like ezgif will generally crunch the quality beyond what's acceptable for the site, or at the very least the resulting quality will be lower than converting it yourself.
notknow said:
Thread title, on w10 and that don't need to register to download it.It seems it was easier to find something like that in the past or maybe me and/or Google are getting worse...
Use FFmpeg as is it generally used by other uploaders and also Mairo who is kinda the expert here on it
Here's the link:
It's based on command lines you do in either Powersheell or CMD
Depending on what you are trying to do you can search the documents in the FFmpeg website or type --help as it shows a list of stuff
if you want to convert a video(primarely mp4 to gif)
here's how i do:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v] palettegen" palette.png -y
this makes a palette so when converting it's not that much crunchy
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i palette.png -filter_complex "[0:v][1:v] paletteuse" converted.gif -y
this will use the mp4 and the palette to encode a gif
of course this is very raw and simple and there are whole other ways to make these commands better but hey it gets the job done
it's always better to have the individual frames to make encoding because mp4 is like a bunch of jpegs fit together, AVI is lossless in that matter
not sure why you want to downsize a gif but if i'm not mistaken
-s 1000x1000
this will make the scale when doing encoding
you can use that resize to what sizes you wish
if you are going to downsize stuff for e621 uploading
please dont, it destroys the purpose of archiving
if you want a better opinion go ask Mairo or make a thread asking about ffmpeg
also i am a idiot with half-skilled reading capabilities so i'm not that much smart in ffmpeg
Hmm, wizards or shells or frontends or whatever you want to call it, exist for ffmpeg and others.
What would be nice is something that lets you do profiles ala VLC's conversion options. Just saves the options to send to the encoder. It has presets you can edit in the top menu (Edit -> Presets). Not tried it. Seems good.
alphamule said:
What would be nice is something that lets you do profiles ala VLC's conversion options. Just saves the options to send to encoder.
I have different .bat and .ps1(powrshell) scripts that runs stuff without needing me to retype every shit every time
Just open a txt and rename the extension to bat because powershell runs stuff differently
lilyanida said:
if you are going to downsize stuff for e621 uploading
please dont, it destroys the purpose of archiving
Nah it's not for e621, that's why I posted on off topic.