Topic: Looking for translator

Posted under Art Talk

Yo, I was wondering if anyone was comfortable enough with translating large quantities of work. I've tried doing so myself but I've only learned Hirigana so far and it takes me hours to decode single sentences, which are most of the time wrong. Mainly I was looking for someone who could at least provide a translated script for Cat Dancer by Mayoineko (found here: and if possible, translations for Nezumi's work. I'm not asking for hard translations (editing the picture with English) or colors or anything. Just notes or PMs. Only if you're interested though. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Sorry, that's one language I can't grip, but if you ever need help with most if Europe's and the America's languages feel free to pm me.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Crash said:
Sorry, that's one language I can't grip, but if you ever need help with most if Europe's and the America's languages feel free to pm me.

Haha, okay :)

Updated by anonymous

I'm comfortable with hiragana and katakana, and enough grammar that I can translate, but I'm not literate in kanji and looking them up always takes me forever. I took a look at the source doujinshi (somebody like SparktehFox should put those into a pool), and it's just too long for me to be willing to commit to translating it, even if a large chunk of it is onomatopoeias.

Maybe someone who's more literate in kanji will come along and be like "ikdind is weak sauce, let me bang that out for you."

Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
I can translate American to English.....
Yeah thats it....

Spanish -> English ;D

Updated by anonymous

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