Topic: Tag Implication: skirt -> clothing

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating skirt → clothing
Link to implication


Skirts are clothing.

Related implications:

See also: forum #145976

Updated by coyotebear


Former Staff

Plus one. Almost half of the posts are missing the clothing tag, which is throwing off my project searches..

Also jacketclothing.

And possibly suitclothing? Though again, that one may be problematic because it gets tagged for wide variety of suits. Ranging from leisure suits to space suits to suits of armor. And occasional Iron_Man suit, which definitely isn't clothing.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Plus one. Almost half of the posts are missing the clothing tag, which is throwing off my project searches..

Does your project search rely on clothing or are you trying to tag clothed? I only ask because I can't find it in your profile anywhere, but I can make sure and tag clothed as I can see it if it helps.

By the way, on your profile you can delete face, hand, and hands; female_ejaculation should technically be pussy_ejaculation; and instead of using ~general: ~copy: etc. it's easier to just use *: -d: (bonus: it picks up a few other odd things that people try to tag).

Genjar said:

And possibly suitclothing? Though again, that one may be problematic because it gets tagged for wide variety of suits. Ranging from leisure suits to space suits to suits of armor. And occasional Iron_Man suit, which definitely isn't clothing.

I found suit tagged on this today...

post #84099

Genjar said:

Also jacketclothing.

Added to the list above.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:
Does your project search rely on clothing or are you trying to tag clothed? I only ask because I can't find it in your profile anywhere, but I can make sure and tag clothed as I can see it if it helps.

That project relies on clothing, mostly just a check if the post is tagged as clothing but lacks the tags for specific types of clothes.

I've stopped using my profile for projects long ago, and mostly just use it for the monthly checklist. Haven't got around to cleaning up the rest, largely because of the annoying captchas that pop up every time I try to change anything.

Nowadays I'm instead using a greasemonkey script. Basically, it checks the post for current tags and lists tags that might need to be added or fixed.'s extremely clunky code since I made it myself, but it does its job.

If you're curious about what it looks like:[/spoiler]

it's easier to just use *: -d: (bonus: it picks up a few other odd things that people try to tag)

Ooh, that's handy. Thanks for the tip.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
That project relies on clothing, mostly just a check if the post is tagged as clothing but lacks the tags for specific types of clothes.

Noted. I'll be honest, I'm usually too lazy to tag specific types of clothing, but I'll at least meet you partway. ;)

By the way, any thoughts about tags like brown_bottomwear, green_shirt, and mauve_dress? It's always bugged me that they don't imply clothing/shirt/etc. but it doesn't seem that realistic to find and imply all the proper combinations.

I've stopped using my profile for projects long ago, and mostly just use it for the monthly checklist. Haven't got around to cleaning up the rest, largely because of the annoying captchas that pop up every time I try to change anything.

I find it really weird because I've only gotten those once or twice when uploading flashes, but that's it. Do you have a dynamic IP or run through a proxy? If not it might be worth asking one of the admins to reduce the strength of their checks or put you on the whitelist.

If you're curious about what it looks like:[/spoiler][/quote]

That looks really useful; I love the concept. I'm actually surprised something like this hasn't made it into esix extend yet.

It's bugging me that the i in "inside" isn't capitalized though.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:
By the way, any thoughts about tags like brown_bottomwear, green_shirt, and mauve_dress? It's always bugged me that they don't imply clothing/shirt/etc. but it doesn't seem that realistic to find and imply all the proper combinations.

Those are so undertagged that they're next to useless. If it were up to me, those would be aliased to brown_clothing, green_clothing, etc. Searching for green_clothing shirt doesn't get perfect results, but it's still more effective than trying to tag all pieces of clothing by color.

I find it really weird because I've only gotten those once or twice when uploading flashes, but that's it.

From what I understand, the captchas start appearing if you do something too often. But I haven't edited my profile much in the past months, so I guess... those just never stop once triggered.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Those are so undertagged that they're next to useless. If it were up to me, those would be aliased to brown_clothing, green_clothing, etc. Searching for green_clothing shirt doesn't get perfect results, but it's still more effective than trying to tag all pieces of clothing by color.

Another option would be to alias the respective clothing to one of the following:

  • *_topwear
  • *_bottomwear

But that leaves out hats, gloves, etc. and would be kind of a pain to tag in general. Anyways, only the rainbow_* and striped_* varieties seem to get tagged with any regularity, as well as panties and socks I suppose. I definitely wouldn't be against wiping them one way or another.

From what I understand, the captchas start appearing if you do something too often. But I haven't edited my profile much in the past months, so I guess... those just never stop once triggered.

I've heard that said before, but some seem to have issues some absolutely nothing. I rapidly edit-save-edit-save-edit-save the user/wikis and I've never had it come up from that.

I did find forum #133013 lol "At least it has stopped asking for captchas whenever we edit our profile. That was bloody annoying". It was 6 months ago, but Varka would probably still look at the logs for you if you sent a dmail to him.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Looks more like costume than suit.

Yeah that's what I ended up moving it to. It's worth mentioning though since I've seen a few tagged for costumes.

Updated by anonymous

Approved almost all.

However, implicating suit to --> clothing is denied. As pointed out, suit is just too broad and often ends up on types of suits that wouldn't be considered clothing. However, we do have a business_suit tag, which was implicated to --> clothing instead, (since that type of suit is consistently a type of clothing).

Updated by anonymous