Topic: Tag Alias: sole -> soles

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I support this. As long as soles are getting tagged consistently (and it looks like they are). It kind of reminds me of the underhoof tag tbh.

Now if we could only reverse the feet -> hindpaw alias and fix all of the humans and scalies getting tagged with paws... (See also: paws not_furry).

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I support this. As long as soles are getting tagged consistently (and it looks like they are). It kind of reminds me of the underhoof tag tbh.

Now if we could only reverse the feet -> hindpaw alias and fix all of the humans and scalies getting tagged with paws... (See also: paws not_furry).

Strange that the feet->hindpaw was made in the first place.

Updated by anonymous

Sneaky said:
Strange that the feet->hindpaw was made in the first place.

Without even checking I know that this must have been done a really long time ago...which is even more reason to get it sorted out.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

parasprite said:
Without even checking I know that this must have been done a really long time ago...

Yep, one of the first twenty aliases. So old that it doesn't even say who did it.
There's some real gems among those old aliases, such as goddamnit_freehaven -> goddamnit_freehaven and comet -> dr. comet.

But anyway, yeah, it should probably be flipped.

vvv Oh, yeah, the op implication is fine. I was referring to paws tags.

Updated by anonymous

I dunno... A sole sounds more likely to be shown as one, not a pair.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I dunno... A sole sounds more likely to be shown as one, not a pair.

It's more of a consistency thing imo as most things that can be plural are tagged as such

Updated by anonymous

Sneaky said:
It's more of a consistency thing imo as most things that can be plural are tagged as such

Also very very slightly less likely to get tagged for fish.

Very slightly.

Updated by anonymous

Sneaky said:
It's more of a consistency thing imo as most things that can be plural are tagged as such

Consistency is for if both seem equally likely. If one seems much, MUCH more likely than the other, it's better to use that one.

Updated by anonymous

aliasing sole to --> soles is approved, because they're known to come in pairs and so the plural is expected. Plus it's slightly more clear since there is a type of fish called "sole" but no one's going to mistake the plural of the word for the fish.

Aliases of foot and feet are UNaliased from --//--> hindpaw. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it's just not working now. And then foot aliased to --> feet, because we don't need them both to be separate. I'm sure there's some implications that are possible, and we'll probably get them over time. But this at least allows the cleanup to get started for pulling the feet out of the paws. Because that is just a mess. I'm glad people brought it up so we can start to get that functioning again.

Updated by anonymous

I already have one that I know should be implicated: human_feet I've been tagging those almost in preperation for this.

Related: I've been using it to mean human-like feet with 4 or 5 toes, and usually, but not always a nailbed. Other tags that might help split these - toe_claws, 4_toes/5_toes, human_hand, and painted_nails.

For myself, I'm going to go through them a little bit at a time as I go through solo/duo/group (We're under 100,000!), but I know I'm going to end up missing a lot until that's done (and yes, I will get that down to zero).

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I already have one that I know should be implicated: human_feet I've been tagging those almost in preperation for this.

Related: I've been using it to mean human-like feet with 4 or 5 toes, and usually, but not always a nailbed. Other tags that might help split these - toe_claws, 4_toes/5_toes, human_hand, and painted_nails.

For myself, I'm going to go through them a little bit at a time as I go through solo/duo/group (We're under 100,000!), but I know I'm going to end up missing a lot until that's done (and yes, I will get that down to zero).

Would people be ok with changing human_feet to --> humanoid_feet, human_hands to --> humanoid_hands etc? Because we've been cleaning up the usage of "human" for just humans to make it more standard. And that's meant using humanoid for the stuff that's close-to-but-not-quite-completely-human, which is how human_hands, human_feet, humanoid_penis etc is used. So it would be more consistent with all of that. Also it would be more consistent with the other humanoid_penis and humanoid_face tags which are already using humanoid for this.

The implication to --> feet makes sense. I just want to get the right form of it.

parasprite said:
For I go through solo/duo/group (We're under 100,000!), but I know I'm going to end up missing a lot until that's done (and yes, I will get that down to zero).

I know there's a lot of people working on that project, and it's awesome to watch it happen. Proof that even the big tags aren't impossible to manage. *high fives everyone who's been working on the big ones like this one* It's only possible with a group, so all of you are very awesome! And I have no doubts someday soon we'll see that one done so that all it will have to do it maintain it. *Thumbs up*

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Would people be ok with changing human_feet to --> humanoid_feet, human_hands to --> humanoid_hands etc? Because we've been cleaning up the usage of "human" for just humans to make it more standard. And that's meant using humanoid for the stuff that's close-to-but-not-quite-completely-human, which is how human_hands, human_feet, humanoid_penis etc is used. So it would be more consistent with all of that. Also it would be more consistent with the other humanoid_penis and humanoid_face tags which are already using humanoid for this.

I think that would be a good idea. It opens it up a bit I feel because some might see some reptile with green human feet and not feel that can be tagged human_feet.

Humanoid_feet would clear up confusion as well as provide some consistency as you said.

Updated by anonymous

Super_Hornet said:
That's... pretty stupid

What, are you saying that this isn't by Dr. Comet?

post #622766

Yeah, should be fixed. I'm not sure what's the best place to alias it, but certainly not to the artist.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:

Yeah, should be fixed. I'm not sure what's the best place to alias it, but certainly not to the artist.

Yeah, undid the alias between comet --//--> dr_comet for now. As for where to alias it to, I am not that familiar with space stuff to be sure.

We have shooting_star for when there's a distant star with a tail across part of the sky. Technically this could be caused by a meteor and maybe even a comet, but they look a lot different if drawn up closer, and for tagging that difference probably matters more than what is technically causing it.

We also have asteroid, meteor/meteorite/meteor_shower/meteor_storm and of course, comet. I'm not sure we need them all.

As for what shows up in images, it looks like we have 1, distant star streaks (aka shooting_star), 2, flaming or trailing chunks of rock up close (often falling towards the earth), and 3, non-remarkable chunks of jagged rock in outer space as some of the main themes that show up under several of these tags.

Any thoughts on how best to organise these?


I also finished the human_feet --> humanoid_feet etc aliases that were agreed on earlier. So that part's finished.

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Yeah, undid the alias between comet --//--> dr_comet for now. As for where to alias it to, I am not that familiar with space stuff to be sure.

We have shooting_star for when there's a distant star with a tail across part of the sky. Technically this could be caused by a meteor and maybe even a comet, but they look a lot different if drawn up closer, and for tagging that difference probably matters more than what is technically causing it.

We also have asteroid, meteor/meteorite/meteor_shower/meteor_storm and of course, comet. I'm not sure we need them all.

As for what shows up in images, it looks like we have 1, distant star streaks (aka shooting_star), 2, flaming or trailing chunks of rock up close (often falling towards the earth), and 3, non-remarkable chunks of jagged rock in outer space as some of the main themes that show up under several of these tags.

Any thoughts on how best to organise these?

Shooting stars are meteors burning during atmospheric entry. Meteorites are what you get when they hit the ground.
Comets are the ones that have tails in outer space.
Meteoroids are the small-ish space rocks, and asteroids are the big space rocks that aren't big enough to be planetoids (Mars's moons would be asteroids).
I don't think we need all these tags either, but I don't know what the best solution would be. Space_debris is pretty vague...

For what it's worth, I think meteor_shower is worth keeping around, since that's a very distinctive phenomenon.

Updated by anonymous

Meteor_storm and meteor_shower are so close in meaning that those could probably be aliased.

Comets usually orbit something, but that's not compatible with twys. Maybe just alias it to asteroid?

Updated by anonymous

I'll give my own summary:

Comets are essentially giant ice balls that give off a bright aura and tail made out of gas and dust when it gets warm enough (i.e., when it's near the sun). When you see the comet in the sky, chances are it isn't because it's hitting earth. They also look distinctly different from earth, and tend to move slowly across the sky (as opposed to meteors).

Asteroids are (as Hornet stated) just giant rocks that aren't interesting or large enough to call a planet (or planetoid, if you prefer). If it's smaller, they call it a meteoroid. For tagging purposes asteroid/meteoroid are the same thing. When one of these are in the earth's atmosphere it becomes molten hot and is called a meteor. If it managed to survive the fall it will eventually cool and will then be called a meteorite.

Shooting star is vague. Can refer to any of the various things that you see shoot across the sky, which seeing as we exist in the ever-so-fogiving space, is almost always going to be a giant ball of something. In fantasy, this could be a rock, ice, magical energy, a person, whatever. Usually refers to meteors IRL though. Might work as an implication or alias (see below).

Meteor shower/meteor storm are a shower of shooting stars. They mean virtually the same thing. People generally refer to "storm" as when there is a huge number of them bombarding the earth. (think weather, "storm" vs "shower").

Here's what I see so far:

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I'll give my own summary:

Comets are essentially giant ice balls that give off a bright aura and tail made out of gas and dust when it gets warm enough (i.e., when it's near the sun). When you see the comet in the sky, chances are it isn't because it's hitting earth. They also look distinctly different from earth, and tend to move slowly across the sky (as opposed to meteors).

You beat me to it... in other words, meteors are the result of burning in atmosphere, while comets will still shine brightly in outer space. But... I dunno, I'd assume that not all artists know these enough to draw them correctly, so they might not always even be distinguishable.

Updated by anonymous