Topic: Let's debate about the correct species tag on this pictures.

Posted under Art Talk

While searching on bear tag, I stumbled on one of my favorite artist's set of pictures.
post #534259 and other 3
Since I love the artwork of the artist, I think the police character tagged as bear looks more like a canine, since the artist way to draw bears is more on this style:
post #72705

I just want to make sure if it's agreable to change it to canine, since it looks more like one than a bear. Or if looks more like a bear and remain unchanged.

Updated by Tokaido


Former Staff

I can see why someone would see that as bear, but the ears are clearly canine. I'd tag it with the latter myself.

Updated by anonymous

It looks like a combination between the two to me, but I'd probably lean towards canine given the context.

Updated by anonymous

Ok, I changed the bear tag to canine in the 4 pictures.
If my judgement was wrong feel free to revert it.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
A hybrid between a dawg and a burr

Not a burr. A bar.

You are attacked by a bar. Yup. I reckon there's a lot of bar in these here woods. Boy howdy.

Updated by anonymous

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