Topic: [APPROVED] The big emotions BUR...

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #6298 is active.

create alias angry_eyes (2) -> angry (56695)
create alias angry_expression (6) -> angry (56695)
create alias angry_face (1) -> angry (56695)
create alias looking_angry (1) -> angry (56695)
create alias angry_look (1) -> angry (56695)
create alias looking_happy (1) -> happy (87845)
create alias happy_expression (2) -> happy (87845)
create alias happy_eyes (2) -> happy (87845)
create alias happy_look (2) -> happy (87845)
create alias annoyed_expression (6) -> annoyed (18531)
create alias looking_annoyed (3) -> annoyed (18531)
create alias sad_eyes (1) -> sad (12428)
create alias sad_expression (3) -> sad (12428)
create alias bored_expression (2) -> bored (2592)
create alias looking_bored (2) -> bored (2592)
create alias bored_look (1) -> bored (2592)
create alias disappointed_expression (1) -> disappointed (898)
create alias shocked_expression (6) -> shocked (18652)
create alias shocked_face (2) -> shocked (18652)
create alias shocked_eyes (1) -> shocked (18652)
create alias looking_shocked (1) -> shocked (18652)
create alias nervous_expression (1) -> nervous (20700)

Reason: It's time to finally standardize them all.

I'm in the surprised (and etc.) camp as opposed to *_expression for the same reasons as Abadbird here: forum #385345
I think "surprised" is superior to "surprise" because surprise can also be a verb.

See for unaliasing tags from surprise

EDIT: The bulk update request #6298 (forum #387818) has been approved by @slyroon.


The bulk update request #6299 is pending approval.

create alias nervousness (0) -> nervous (20700)
create alias nervous_face (0) -> nervous (20700)
create alias tired_look (233) -> tired (8063)
create alias tired_expression (204) -> tired (8063)
create alias looking_tired (57) -> tired (8063)
create alias scared_face (700) -> scared (19050)
create alias looking_scared (141) -> scared (19050)
create alias scared_expression (270) -> scared (19050)
create alias scared_shitless (333) -> scared (19050)
create alias fearful_expression (35) -> scared (19050)
create alias fearful (16) -> scared (19050)
remove alias disgusted (0) -> disgust (1546)
remove alias suprised (0) -> surprise (41130)
create alias suprise (0) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_expression (15455) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_face (1102) -> surprised (1043)
create alias looking_surprised (536) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_look (636) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_eyes (160) -> surprised (1043)

Reason: part 2

alias disgust -> digusted
alias disgusted_face -> disgusted
alias disgusted_expression -> disgusted
alias disgusted_look -> disgusted
alias surprise -> surprised
alias suprised -> surprised


cloudpie said:
The bulk update request #6299 is pending approval.

create alias nervousness (0) -> nervous (20700)
create alias nervous_face (0) -> nervous (20700)
create alias tired_look (233) -> tired (8063)
create alias tired_expression (204) -> tired (8063)
create alias looking_tired (57) -> tired (8063)
create alias scared_face (700) -> scared (19050)
create alias looking_scared (141) -> scared (19050)
create alias scared_expression (270) -> scared (19050)
create alias scared_shitless (333) -> scared (19050)
create alias fearful_expression (35) -> scared (19050)
create alias fearful (16) -> scared (19050)
remove alias disgusted (0) -> disgust (1546)
remove alias suprised (0) -> surprise (41130)
create alias suprise (0) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_expression (15455) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_face (1102) -> surprised (1043)
create alias looking_surprised (536) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_look (636) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_eyes (160) -> surprised (1043)

Reason: part 2

...I think that's all of them? Are there more?

tired_eyes's use is kind of inconsistent currently, it doesn't all seem to be tired characters. it might be closest to eye_bags, but it seems to also be used for characters who just have half-closed_eyes.



shocked is ambiguous since it can also refer to being electrocuted. As an expression, I'm not sure how it's really different from surprise (to be shocked is to be surprised, and being surprised is a shock).

I agree the various x_face/look/eyes/expression tags should be aliased together, but I still encourage using x_expression to avoid otherwise unnecessary ambiguities.

sipothac said:
tired_eyes's use is kind of inconsistent currently, it doesn't all seem to be tired characters. it might be closest to eye_bags, but it seems to also be used for characters who just have half-closed_eyes.

Good catch, removed that line

watsit said:
I'm not sure how it's really different from surprise (to be shocked is to be surprised, and being surprised is a shock).

Huh, I guess so... maybe we alias shocked to surprised?

watsit said:
shocked is ambiguous since it can also refer to being electrocuted. As an expression, I'm not sure how it's really different from surprise (to be shocked is to be surprised, and being surprised is a shock).

the mistag rate of shocked -x> electric_shock seems relatively low looking at the edit history.

watsit said:
As an expression, I'm not sure how it's really different from surprise (to be shocked is to be surprised, and being surprised is a shock).

I dunno, shock isn't not surprise in the technical sense, but at the same they're not totally 1-to-1. "shock" is pretty much exclusively used in the context of a person feeling some amount of terror or adjacent emotions. where as "surprise" has a more neutral/positive contexts...
like, it's the difference between D: and :o.

sipothac said:
"shock" is pretty much exclusively used in the context of a person feeling some amount of terror or adjacent emotions. where as "surprise" has a more neutral/positive contexts...

disagree, "shocked" can be used that way but its also used as just a stronger version of "surprised" nowadays.



sipothac said:
I dunno, shock isn't not surprise in the technical sense, but at the same they're not totally 1-to-1. "shock" is pretty much exclusively used in the context of a person feeling some amount of terror or adjacent emotions. where as "surprise" has a more neutral/positive contexts...
like, it's the difference between D: and :o.

I feel the distinction is too weak to rely on being separated correctly. I don't see a reason expressions can't be used together (e.g. surprised+happy or surprised+scared), which would help distinguish them more reliably.

Invalidate them.

Eta: I agree with Watsit anyway. if you wanna keep the tags despite how unreliably tagged they are, it should be x_expression due to tags like shocked.


cloudpie said:
...I think that's all of them? Are there more?



watsit said:
I agree the various x_face/look/eyes/expression tags should be aliased together, but I still encourage using x_expression to avoid otherwise unnecessary ambiguities.

I agree, "[emotion]_expression" is my preferred format too.

Except for one thing: it's possible to depict an emotion without showing a facial expression. For example, showing a mostly offscreen character's clenched fist, with a speech bubble saying I'm so angry with you! - That's definitely angry, but not really an angry expression!



chemistrynoisy said:
I agree, "[emotion]_expression" is my preferred format too.

Except for one thing: it's possible to depict an emotion without showing a facial expression. For example, showing a mostly offscreen character's clenched fist, with a speech bubble saying I'm so angry with you! - That's definitely angry, but not really an angry expression!

We're not supposed to tag based on text (unless it's about the text itself, e.g. profanity). A character isn't tagged male for saying "I'm male!", it's still based entirely on what they look like regardless of what they say (they can be lying, mistaken, etc), similarly a character shouldn't be tagged angry for saying "I'm angry!", it should be based on what they look like. In either case, "expression" doesn't have to be limited to facial expressions, body language plays into a character's overall expression.

chemistrynoisy said:


I agree, "[emotion]_expression" is my preferred format too.

Except for one thing: it's possible to depict an emotion without showing a facial expression. For example, showing a mostly offscreen character's clenched fist, with a speech bubble saying I'm so angry with you! - That's definitely angry, but not really an angry expression!

Angry eyebrows should be aliased to frown_eyebrows.

What this is doing is adding more tags to mistag angry with. You can have frown eyebrows and the character be expressing a different emotion.

There is a reason why clenched_fist doesn't imply angry, I'll let you figure out why.

cloudpie said:
Are "worried" and "nervous" different enough to be separated? Or should worried alias to nervous?

How about this: You make them both invalid and instead encourage folks to use visual tags like teeth_chatter furrowed_eyebrows andd looking_away.


wandering_spaniel said:
The bulk update request #6299 is pending approval.

create alias nervousness (0) -> nervous (20700)
create alias nervous_face (0) -> nervous (20700)
create alias tired_look (233) -> tired (8063)
create alias tired_expression (204) -> tired (8063)
create alias looking_tired (57) -> tired (8063)
create alias scared_face (700) -> scared (19050)
create alias looking_scared (141) -> scared (19050)
create alias scared_expression (270) -> scared (19050)
create alias scared_shitless (333) -> scared (19050)
create alias fearful_expression (35) -> scared (19050)
create alias fearful (16) -> scared (19050)
remove alias disgusted (0) -> disgust (1546)
remove alias suprised (0) -> surprise (41130)
create alias suprise (0) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_expression (15455) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_face (1102) -> surprised (1043)
create alias looking_surprised (536) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_look (636) -> surprised (1043)
create alias surprised_eyes (160) -> surprised (1043)

Reason: part 2

...I think that's all of them? Are there more?

Should they be aliased to disgust, or would the better destination be disgusted

My 2 cents from my topic #44930 regarding shocked and surprise:
Shock and surprise, as emotions, seem to get used for the exact same things. There may be nuances to it but they just get steamrolled in tagging.
There's also "surprise" as a situation ( something like this ), which could warrant being a separate tag, but it'd need some distinct name to make it clear that it's not the emotion. (surprise_(contrivance)? Worked for trap.)
So I more or less agree with Watsit here, that the emotion should be covered by shocked_expression or surprised_expression, which both alleviates the situation mistags and doesn't split the emotion across two tags for nearly the same use.

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