Topic: Adventure Time species BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #6344 is pending approval.

mass update candy_people_(at) -> candy_person_(adventure_time)
mass update lemon_people -> lemon_person_(adventure_time)
create implication lemon_person_(adventure_time) (0) -> living_lemon (17)
create implication living_lemon (17) -> living_fruit (1724)
create implication living_gum (165) -> living_candy (1797)

Reason: Standardising the candy people and lemon people species tag by making it singular & writing out 'adventure time' in full.

Depending on whether you want to consider the lemon people as a subcategory of candy people (The Adventure Time fandom wiki at least does), either 'imply lemon_person_(adventure_time) -> candy_person_(adventure_time)' or 'candy_person_(adventure_time) -> living_candy' also needs to happen.

wait what are the blocking transitive relationships here

EDIT: fixed it


Candy_people_(at) needs all its implications removed first, and then it can be aliased and the implications re-applied to the new tag

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