Topic: [APPROVED] Tag alias: toe_curl -> curling_toes

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #65786 toe_curl -> curling_toes has been approved.

Reason: From topic #42289 - Since an action is being performed, this is clearer wording than *_curl. Even though toe_curl can only really mean one thing, tail_curl (a character curling up their clearly not naturally-curled tail) sounds easily mistaken for curled_tail (naturally curly tails like a pig or husky). So this is just to standardize the wording so we can rename tail_curl to curling_tail

EDIT: The tag alias toe_curl -> curling_toes (forum #388674) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

toe_curl is a bit of an odd tag, and I've got some trepidation about changing it to another tag name that still has the same problems.

so like, despite what the name would imply (and even what the letter of the wiki states), characters with featureless_feet (and like whatever deal squidward_tentacles's got goin' on) can perform what should be tagged with toe_curl. so the dilemma is that the tag name is _kinda_ inaccurate, but like, foot_curl just sounds weird or gross (to me it makes me think of that weird shit that happens in The Wizard of Oz after Dorothy steals the shoes off the feet of the dead witch), and also I've just never been able to come up with a more fitting name.

and now, curled_toes kinda sounds even more like it'd require a character to have toes... I dunno...

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