Topic: What to do with figurine?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

figurine is currently an ambiguous mess, and I'm not sure how to go about dealing with it.

First of all, the alias figure attracts mistags from people trying to tag various body types, figure skaters, etc. But beyond that, there's a couple different things in this tag:

Figurine concepts

post #4369567 post #4509990

Figurines for tabletop games

post #4527334 post #4381316

Model kits (model_kit)

post #4468187 post #4465677

Anime figures (anime_figure)

post #4111276 post #3614638

Miscellaneous plastic toys

post #3617250 post #3121321

There's also miniature_model which from the wiki page I'm not really sure what it's specifically supposed to mean?

I do think a catchall umbrella tag is handy, such as "figurine_(object)", but I think the 3d renders/art that are just concepts for figurines should probably be under a different tag instead? "figurine_concept" or "figurine_mockup", maybe?