Topic: Should [color]_belly really imply belly?

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

So the [color]_belly tags currently implicate belly. I'm not sure why, but either way I don't like it.
The tags sound like they're for the differentiated color of a character's midriff/underside area and that's exactly what the white_belly wiki states, but they imply belly, which exclusively refers to a fat/distended stomach.
So, is it supposed to be a tag for the marking and the implication was a mistake? Or is the tag only supposed to be used for characters with bellies?
If it's the second option, then do fat bellies really need a unique marking tag?
Here's an example of what I mean. This is the same yellow_belly tag on different bodytypes.
post #2432357 post #3575576
If the marking on the right DOES deserve a separate tag, I think that tag needs a more clear name. There's already a ton of mistags due to this and it's only going to get worse now that we're using the term "belly" rather than "stomach" for tags that describe the exterior abdominal area.

With the belly tag really meaning "a protruding/chubby lower abdominal area", no the colour tags shouldn't implicate "belly".

I'd prefer if we renamed all the belly tags that don't necessarily deal with rounded bellies to abdomen tags.

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