Implicating sister → female
Link to implication
By definition sister are female. Any other genders wouldn't really fit anyways.
Edit: sisters -> female as well.
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Implicating sister → female
Link to implication
By definition sister are female. Any other genders wouldn't really fit anyways.
Edit: sisters -> female as well.
Except herms are also referred to as sisters frequently.
Updated by anonymous
Halite said:
Except herms are also referred to as sisters frequently.
Yeah, maybe this wouldn't work. It was just a thought.
Updated by anonymous
Halite said:
Except herms are also referred to as sisters frequently.
Somebody searching for "Sister" is probably not looking for that, though...
Updated by anonymous
Of interest, a search for herm sister brings up 8 posts. At least a couple of them (post #503108, post #351530) have some relevance in this discussion.
Updated by anonymous
-1 for Haltie's same reasoning.
I'm a little herm biased though, so my input should be taken with a grain of salt
Updated by anonymous
If there is female and male and intersex, intersex shouldn't lump in with sister and brother. The sex definitions are pretty concrete. Sibling would work fine though.
Updated by anonymous
Denied for the reasons mentioned in forum #144393.
TLDR: The risk of mistags isn't worth the slight convenience of having it imply female.
Updated by anonymous