Topic: tailbutt tag project -- HELP WANTED

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

i've been chipping away at a tag for a feature i like in some characters that people seem to know about and recognize, but don't tag: tailbutts.

post #4558221 post #4183350 post #4137081 post #4562640

i'm new to tagging, but i want to be able to find this particular feature in art, because it's very appealing to me.
it's when a character has this sort of belly, butt, tail fixture as one piece through their body.
there has to be hips, otherwise it's pretty much just a snake at that point
however the hips can't join at the glutes, a tailbutt has the tail sorta cleave through them.
i see it a lot on feral scalies and such, but i also see it a lot in anthro characters, like otter, kangaroo, or inflatable furries.

some examples are goodra, dinossom, salazzle, bondi braeburned, and rabbit from winnie the pooh, as drawn in their source material. i've got 600 pictures in the tag already, tagged by hand because idk what i'm doing lmao

this is my HELP WANTED sign.
if anyone wants to, please help with the tag, idk how to automate this because it's both very specific in my head and also a very vague category

Dude! I also love this kind of anatomy but didn't know there was even a tag for it at all!

I'm not sure if there is a way to "officially" join a tag project or what that would entail, but I'll definitely start tagging tailbutts when I see them in the wild and will spend time looking for them to tag as well.

vubbyshark said:
Dude! I also love this kind of anatomy but didn't know there was even a tag for it at all!

I'm not sure if there is a way to "officially" join a tag project or what that would entail, but I'll definitely start tagging tailbutts when I see them in the wild and will spend time looking for them to tag as well.

i have no organization for this so i'll consider you joined up if you start tagging em lol

fleskywood said:
wild how fast tagging can be. i've already got the tag to 1k

It's been fun working on it so far! Hopefully we can indoctrina- I mean expose new people to art they may not have previously found... ":)

Tailbutt sounds like an awfully terrible name for whatever it is you are tagging.
We don't usually tag butt on ferals to begin with, and this isn't even strictly a "butt" by definition.
If I hadn't read the definition (which is also extremely confusing BTW), I would have thought this was an alias for tail_anus.

What you are essentially describing is just belly_scales in reality, but for non-scales as well.


thegreatwolfgang said:
Tailbutt sounds like an awfully terrible name for whatever it is you are tagging.
We don't usually tag butt on ferals to begin with, and this isn't even strictly a "butt" by definition.
If I hadn't read the definition (which is also extremely confusing BTW), I would have thought this was an alias for tail_anus.

What you are essentially describing is just belly_scales in reality, but for non-scales as well.

doesn't work for characters like goodra, bondi braeburned, charizard, inflatables, etc.
a character can have a tailbutt and a smooth belly.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Tailbutt sounds like an awfully terrible name for whatever it is you are tagging.
We don't usually tag butt on ferals to begin with, and this isn't even strictly a "butt" by definition.
If I hadn't read the definition (which is also extremely confusing BTW), I would have thought this was an alias for tail_anus.

What you are essentially describing is just belly_scales in reality, but for non-scales as well.

now that i'm up i can actually dig up some evidence that this is a distinct thing from both of these tags you suggest.

examples of belly_scales pictures that don't have tailbutts:
post #4594937 post #4621638 post #4622137 post #4602207

tail_anus pictures that don't have tailbutts:
post #4551001 post #4263495 post #4568973 post #4506518

belly_scales pictures that do:
post #4621103 post #2972171 post #4588424 post #4542768

tail_anus pictures that do:
post #4359764 post #3885890 post #3630961 post #1987854

note that the hips are always to the side of the tail, at most slightly converging to indent the tail rather than completely merging into one "hip" piece. note that genetalia can be any type, cloaca, mammalian, or featureless.

post #3049979
what about this picture? do you tag it tail_anus? certainly not belly_scales, and even then the thing about this picture isn't either of those, it's bondi's shape. the chest and belly flow smoothly into the tail, in one piece.

all of these are presenting, so let me put some in that aren't:
post #4607744 post #4595863 post #4593690 post #4455013


We could potentially edit the wiki page for it to make it a little bit more clear. I think that the wiki page defines it in a way that's kind of confusing as well; I did mistag a few things out of that miscommunication from the wiki page.

It might help if we were to specify that a tailbutt is a body type, emphasizing that the most important quality of a tailbutt is a completely smooth transition from belly, tail, genital area to anus (if present), without joining at the glutes. The stuff about pelvis in the wiki page is what threw me off, personally, as I accidentally tagged some posts as tailbutt just because they don't join at the glutes when the most important thing is that smooth transition.

As body type it also usually implies a bulge between the legs connected to the belly, think Dragonite. This body type is especially popular with inflatables, Pokemon (Goodra, Dragonite, Charizard, etc), and Palworld characters (Dinossom comes to mind- sometimes Chillet is drawn this way as well).

As a body type although it usually implies tail_anus it doesn't have to, perhaps there is only a cloaca or only a vagina visible, we wouldn't want to tag that as anything anus. To restate a character with no anus (or no genitals) can have a tailbutt.

Whether or not that means the tag needs to be aliased to a different name (as it is quite large at this point) I'm not sure, but I think the body type is both common enough in art and OCs, and specific enough that having a tag for it may be important.

If your only issue with the tag is its name not being clear enough, we could potentially find another name for the tag if that would be agreed upon by others. However in my opinion a tag name sounding like another tag or it describing something that isn't as common as a tag with a similar name, is not a reason to stop tagging it.


vubbyshark said:
We could potentially edit the wiki page for it to make it a little bit more clear. I think that the wiki page defines it in a way that's kind of confusing as well; I did mistag a few things out of that miscommunication from the wiki page.

It might help if we were to specify that a tailbutt is a body type, emphasizing that the most important quality of a tailbutt is a completely smooth transition from belly, tail, genital area to anus (if present), without joining at the glutes. The stuff about pelvis in the wiki page is what threw me off, personally, as I accidentally tagged some posts as tailbutt just because they don't join at the glutes when the most important thing is that smooth transition.

As body type it also usually implies a bulge between the legs connected to the belly, think Dragonite. This body type is especially popular with inflatables, Pokemon (Goodra, Dragonite, Charizard, etc), and Palworld characters (Dinossom comes to mind- sometimes Chillet is drawn this way as well).

As a body type although it usually implies tail_anus it doesn't have to, perhaps there is only a cloaca or only a vagina visible, we wouldn't want to tag that as anything anus. To restate a character with no anus (or no genitals) can have a tailbutt.

Whether or not that means the tag needs to be aliased to a different name (as it is quite large at this point) I'm not sure, but I think the body type is both common enough in art and OCs, and specific enough that having a tag for it may be important.

If your only issue with the tag is its name not being clear enough, we could potentially find another name for the tag if that would be agreed upon by others. However in my opinion a tag name sounding like another tag or it describing something that isn't as common as a tag with a similar name, is not a reason to stop tagging it.

what sucks is that half the example characters we have end up given normal human asses anyway! like, look at this!
post #4461153 post #4378175 post #4618509 post #4591802

truly frustrating shit

vubbyshark said:
If your only issue with the tag is its name not being clear enough, we could potentially find another name for the tag if that would be agreed upon by others. However in my opinion a tag name sounding like another tag or it describing something that isn't as common as a tag with a similar name, is not a reason to stop tagging it.

Nowhere online has this term ever been used to describe what you are tagging.
The only result I found online with the term "tailbutt" used on furry art is by a single user on FA to describe a tail large enough that it could be sat on.
Funnily enough, it has also been used to describe buttplug_tail as well, which makes it even more unintuitive.

If a tag does not even describe whatever it is you are tagging, you don't tag it at all. You are just inviting people to mistag it as something else.
Your tagging project would be better off being a public set first until a better name for it can be found.

As an extra note, to define tailbutt to be "a type of monobutt" is false. Monobutt implies butt, which I can see is something you are actively trying to avoid including.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Nowhere online has this term ever been used to describe what you are tagging.
The only result I found online with the term "tailbutt" used on furry art is by a single user on FA to describe a tail large enough that it could be sat on.
Funnily enough, it has also been used to describe buttplug_tail as well, which makes it even more unintuitive.

If a tag does not even describe whatever it is you are tagging, you don't tag it at all. You are just inviting people to mistag it as something else.
Your tagging project would be better off being a public set first until a better name for it can be found.

As an extra note, to define tailbutt to be "a type of monobutt" is false. Monobutt implies butt, which I can see is something you are actively trying to avoid including.

got any constructive criticism, or is this just ribbing to see if i'm trolling?

fleskywood said:
got any constructive criticism, or is this just ribbing to see if i'm trolling?

Get a better tag name, get a better tag definition.
Don't just spam this random unintuitive tag on 1.3k posts and expect people to know what it is.

Something like smooth_underside sound a lot better and unambiguous than tailbutt.
Explain clearly (with examples) what should and should not be considered tailbutt.
Don't include mentions of belly or butt in the wiki if it has nothing to do with the tagging criteria, you are just giving people the impression that tailbutt should imply them.


Don't include mentions of belly or butt in the wiki if it has nothing to do with the tagging criteria, you are just giving people the impression that tailbutt should imply them.

I think the idea of the tag name being tailbutt is simply to refer to the fact that the character essentially has a tail instead of a butt. The tail completely obscures the glute muscles if they are present. It is a tail and a butt, so not really a butt at all.

Explain clearly (with examples) what should and should not be considered tailbutt.

That is... what we have been doing for this entire thread. I feel like this statement is quite unfair.
We've spent time giving examples and attempting to explain the tag to you in different ways. At this point we have been repeating ourselves with a definition that I find to be perfectly clear. You've been saying things like "unintuitive" and "terrible" which to me also seem very subjective and a matter of personal opinion.

We're starting a new tag to try to categorize and organize a specific body type into an accessible collection of similar pieces of art. Is that not the spirit of an online art archive?

I think the definition provided by vubbyshark is adequate.

I can't think of a better name though.


Perhaps "Smooth Undertail" or "Smooth Ventral"?


vubby, you wanna update the wiki page with your definition? it works a lot better than what i said

kyiiel said:
I think the definition provided by vubbyshark is adequate.

I can't think of a better name though.


Perhaps "Smooth Undertail"?

*megalovania noises*

fleskywood said:
vubby, you wanna update the wiki page with your definition? it works a lot better than what i said

Aww shucks, I'm so glad that I'm contributing well to the tag project lol.
Here you go:
I quoted several things from my original forum posts here, added extra specifics and even more cited examples of the use of the body type in official character design (the more I looked at the Pokemon wiki, the more I realized that there's just so, so many tailbutts in Pokemon...)



vubbyshark said:
We could potentially edit the wiki page for it to make it a little bit more clear.

It ultimately needs a better tag name. If the name of a tag is easy to misinterpret and cause people to tag it on things it shouldn't be tagged on, having the best clearly written wiki page won't help. People won't look at the wiki page, they'll use the tag based on their interpretation of the tag name. As TheGreatWolfgang said, it sounds very close to (and is what I thought the tag was intended for given the name) tail_anus, which is apparently not what it's intended to be at all.

I guess my only suggestion would be tail_replacing_butt? Smooth_underbelly and such seem like they could too easily, also, be misinterpreted for other things.

I'm going to head off e621 for the night, but I'll check this thread later on tomorrow. Also, my contact stuff is in my profile if something more urgent regarding this project arises.



vubbyshark said:
I guess my only suggestion would be tail_replacing_butt?

A butt can still be there (one the examples in the first post has it).

Honestly, when I see that kind of thing I just mentally file it under thick_tail. Where the base of the tail is so thick, it creates a smoother connection or more continuous "flow" to the underside/crotch instead of a more bendy crease above the anus. Fliphook mentioned lizard_hipped, which may be on to something; it does seam to be the kind of thing you'd more likely see on lizards rather than mammals.

vubbyshark said:
That is... what we have been doing for this entire thread. I feel like this statement is quite unfair.
We've spent time giving examples and attempting to explain the tag to you in different ways. At this point we have been repeating ourselves with a definition that I find to be perfectly clear. You've been saying things like "unintuitive" and "terrible" which to me also seem very subjective and a matter of personal opinion.

Let me rephrase that: "Explain clearly on the wiki (with thumbnail examples) what should and should not be considered tailbutt."
My comments on it being "unintuitive" and "terrible" were directed to the tag's name, and not at your attempts of defining it. I believe that I am not the only one pointing out how misleading that is.

We're starting a new tag to try to categorize and organize a specific body type into an accessible collection of similar pieces of art. Is that not the spirit of an online art archive?

In all honesty, I would not classify this as a new body type. If anything, it is a very niche and unheard of "interest" to a specific body part (with a lot of exclusions, mind you).
If it was my choice, I would have invalidated it since it would lead to mistags. This is why I had suggested a public set as a stand-in while a proper name could be thought up.

anicebee said:
This could be considered to have overlap with monobutt.

No, monobutt refers to a merged singular buttock with no cleavage. This still implies the presence of a butt.

What tailbutt is has nothing to do with butts. It refers to the singular & continuous underbelly-groin-tail region of the body commonly found on feral Charizards.
To add on to the complexity, they do not want actual butts to be included into the pile.
They want specific instances where the region extends uninterruptedly from the belly to the tip of the tail (like a snake's underside) while also excluding actual snakes/legless creatures.


fliphook said:

I feel that it would be somewhat confusing to describe non-scalies like that (e.g., kangaroo, inflatables).
Preferably a name without mentioning the a species would be better.

oopsitripped said:
continuous_underside maybe??

That could work, though I feel we can do better.

fliphook said:

Dolphins could fall into that description.

fliphook said:

some null stuff could actually fit into that without falling into the description on the wiki

thegreatwolfgang said:
I feel that it would be somewhat confusing to describe non-scalies like that (e.g., kangaroo, inflatables).
Preferably a name without mentioning the a species would be better.

for when the creature, while standing upright, is leaning forward at an angle or parallel to the ground



fliphook said:
for when the creature, while standing upright, is leaning forward at an angle or parallel to the ground


For feral_hipped first one you're going to get mistags from semi-anthro and other characters drawn with animal legs.

Tail_balanced_anatomy could be interpreted as a tail the same size as the body, or in species where tails are used as counterbalance. It also would be a problem when the tail is short.

Balance_point_hips sounds like a low center of gravity.

Idk here's my own terrible suggestion- belly_into_tail

regsmutt said:
Idk here's my own terrible suggestion- belly_into_tail

Maybe something along the lines of uniform_underbelly or seamless_underbelly?

thegreatwolfgang said:
Maybe something along the lines of uniform_underbelly or seamless_underbelly?

that doesn't necessarily include tailbutts, because those names can both include things that don't have a tail seperating the hips apart
i honestly think that the amount of non-fitting names has kinda made the original one win out, in my eyes



fleskywood said:
that doesn't necessarily include tailbutts, because those names can both include things that don't have a tail seperating the hips apart
i honestly think that the amount of non-fitting names has kinda made the original one win out, in my eyes

The lack of a good alternative doesn't make the original good. It's just as bad, if not worse, to me. Tailbutt has nothing really to do with butts, and it has as much to do with the tail as it does the crotch. You could just as well call it tailcrotch or crotch_tail.

watsit said:
The lack of a good alternative doesn't make the original good. It's just as bad, if not worse, to me. Tailbutt has nothing really to do with butts, and it has as much to do with the tail as it does the crotch. You could just as well call it tailcrotch or crotch_tail.


watsit said:
The lack of a good alternative doesn't make the original good. It's just as bad, if not worse, to me. Tailbutt has nothing really to do with butts, and it has as much to do with the tail as it does the crotch. You could just as well call it tailcrotch or crotch_tail.

tailbutt is when there is a tail instead of a gluteus (butt), humans have glutes to protect the tailbone while sitting mostly as it kind of curls under and into our bodies

the creatures that have a tail instead of a butt don't have glutes to protect the tail as that last bit of spine is much larger and has stiffer muscles (the tail)


it is the alternative science name to 'lizard hipped' but sounds fancy enough to include mammals with the same structure

but tailbutt does sound like the best thing so far, maybe even have another tag for those that like the belly some taillbutts have




fliphook said:
tailbutt is when there is a tail instead of a gluteus (butt),

It's not, though. One of the examples in the first post still has a butt tagged, and I'd have tagged butt on another.

fliphook said:
but tailbutt does sound like the best thing so far, maybe even have another tag for those that like the belly some taillbutts have

I dunno, I'm more partial to crotch_tail. wrapunder_tail is also better to me, as it more clearly indicates what it's referring to, unlike tailbutt which sounds like a mistagged tail_anus.

watsit said:
It's not, though. One of the examples in the first post still has a butt tagged, and I'd have tagged butt on another.

yeah that is something that needs to be addressed.

I dunno, I'm more partial to crotch_tail. wrapunder_tail is also better to me, as it more clearly indicates what it's referring to, unlike tailbutt which sounds like a mistagged tail_anus.

well some would like a more all animal inclusive sounding name that best discribes this anatomy which is surprisingly difficult and in my opinion crotch_tail sound more like a different name for penis like the eleventh finger and wrapunder_tail kind of sounds like what an animal does when scared and tucks their tail between their legs

the search continues

cloudpie said:
...I'm fine with tailbutt honestly. They have a tail in place of a butt

fleskywood would woodchuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck wood.

i mean

they'd be happy to hear that

fliphook said:

I'm not sure about dinosaur anatomy (assuming that is where the term stems from), but looking at this article, I can't really tell the difference?
Both animals in the diagram could be described as having a tailbutt.

watsit said:
I dunno, I'm more partial to crotch_tail. wrapunder_tail is also better to me...

I actually agree with @Fliphook on this one, crotch_tail & wrapunder_tail sounds like a tail being tucked between one's legs to cover their crotch.

cloudpie said:
...I'm fine with tailbutt honestly. They have a tail in place of a butt

Obviously that is not the only tagging criteria since it also includes specific features related to the hips, belly, groin, and tail.
If that was the case, I would have suggested for the tag to be invalidated due to it being applicable to every tailed feral that do not have butts, or be easily confused with a character sitting on their own tails to substitute as butts.

I feel that we either need a (longer) tag name that covers all of these features or use multiple tags to describe this specific setup.
I'd be willing to call it seamless_pelvis-to-tail just to make it accurate ("pelvis" here to mean hip-bearing, thus excluding snake-like characters).

fliphook said:
they're leaning toward a more all inclusive tag

At this point, I think concessions need to be made since there is a lack of a better term for describing the above anatomy.
While charizard_hipped might sound like lizard_hipped all over again, it gives a very distinct idea of the anatomical features that is to be expected.

thegreatwolfgang said:
At this point, I think concessions need to be made since there is a lack of a better term for describing the above anatomy.
While charizard_hipped might sound like lizard_hipped all over again, it gives a very distinct idea of the anatomical features that is to be expected.

Trying to use a specific character or fictional species for such a tag is less helpful and not an acceptable concession, since not everyone is going to think of Charizard when they see what the tailbutt tag is going for.

alien_fluff said:
Trying to use a specific character or fictional species for such a tag is less helpful and not an acceptable concession, since not everyone is going to think of Charizard when they see what the tailbutt tag is going for.

If you have a better idea, please suggest some. At the point, tailbutt is not a suitable tag name as well.

looks like we've continued to not have a good name for this
seamless_pelvis_to_tail is close, but it doesn't include the belly enough.
maybe something like tail_cleft would work? but that doesn't either....

fleskywood said:
looks like we've continued to not have a good name for this
seamless_pelvis_to_tail is close, but it doesn't include the belly enough.
maybe something like tail_cleft would work? but that doesn't either....

I don't think tail_cleft is the right way to describe it since "cleft" means that there is a split. Besides, cleft_tail already exists for another purpose.

Perhaps seamless_belly-to-tail or seamless_belly-pelvis-tail? It sounds like a mouthful, but I don't know of any other word to describe these three regions combined (while also specifying that they should be hipped).

I'm going to be honest, I've been watching this thread from afar for a bit and I think you guys are overthinking this. Most of the suggestions just make even less sense to me than tailbutt does to begin with.

nimphia said:
I'm going to be honest, I've been watching this thread from afar for a bit and I think you guys are overthinking this. Most of the suggestions just make even less sense to me than tailbutt does to begin with.

It is getting a little ridiculous but they want a tag that also defines the belly as well as the tail not just the tail/butt area and something little more tasteful.

yeah we can't really find anything better. keep suggesting but the name's gonna stay until at least more than one person can agree what it should be



fliphook said:
It is getting a little ridiculous but they want a tag that also defines the belly as well as the tail not just the tail/butt area and something little more tasteful.

fleskywood said:
yeah we can't really find anything better. keep suggesting but the name's gonna stay until at least more than one person can agree what it should be

We have considered better tags. They're not without their problems, but personally I find tailbutt to be one of the poorer ones given it's ambiguity with tail_anus and not really having anything to do with butts. seamless_belly-to-tail is clearer and less ambiguous.

Tailbutt is ambiguous at first reading, but it's endearing and once explained makes sense in a way that's memorable. We should keep looking but so far it's the best name.

oozeenthusiast said:
Tailbutt is ambiguous at first reading, but it's endearing and once explained makes sense in a way that's memorable. We should keep looking but so far it's the best name.

i'm beginning think it is actually a fine tag but the need to combine it's anatomy definition with the belly makes it harder. it just needs to be its own tag describing the rear of the animal and a separate tag to define the belly or crotch area that may accompany it and that may even be two more tags, one for the more bulbous build and another for the more reaslistic "bony-er" style

tailbutt just needs a butt only definition and another tag(s) needed for the belly/underside

fliphook said:
i'm beginning think it is actually a fine tag but the need to combine it's anatomy definition with the belly makes it harder. it just needs to be its own tag describing the rear of the animal and a separate tag to define the belly or crotch area that may accompany it and that may even be two more tags, one for the more bulbous build and another for the more reaslistic "bony-er" style

tailbutt just needs a butt only definition and another tag(s) needed for the belly/underside

I don't know. The combination creates something greater. I think you're right that this can be described as the combination of a thick tail, wide crotch/wide hips, and big belly. You're also right that those concepts can each be described and tagged individually. I think there's still value in a combined term though with how often these traits are used seamlessly together.

The way to test if tailbutt is a necessary tag would be to try to find an image that would qualify as tailbutt, but cannot be tagged with one of those three tags, or an image that would not qualify as tailbutt, but has all three tags. Still wouldn't get us any closer to a perfect name though.


oozeenthusiast said:
That proves that large belly isn't an important part of tailbutt, and so do a lot of the quadrupedal images itt.

ok i may have misunderstood the assignment what is it you'd want see

yes_no checklist:
bulbous pubic
bony pubic

add to list for more narrowed results please

i believe there would be something happening here like the barazoku tag it states it is a tag for large oversized men but would appreciate that you also specify with a tag if the male is muscular, slightly chubby, has a musclegut or overweight not just have it as a standalone tag

fliphook said:
ok i may have misunderstood the assignment what is it you'd want see

yes_no checklist:
bulbous pubic
bony pubic

add to list for more narrowed results please

I think the definition I gave earlier was too narrow. My initial reaction to hearing about the tag was "Oh finally, a tag for the yoshi/goodra bodyshape!" but after more thought it seems to be much more broad than that.

oozeenthusiast said:
I think the definition I gave earlier was too narrow. My initial reaction to hearing about the tag was "Oh finally, a tag for the yoshi/goodra bodyshape!" but after more thought it seems to be much more broad than that.

well i think the first main point was it's a tag for creatures (of all kind) that have a tail instead of a butt (no glutes no buttcheeks) just a tail with thighs

the second point was to try and mix in a defintion that would cover the smooth thin or fleshy bulbous underside

but the add on kind of looks like it derailed a bit and now they want a more universal name which is proving to be difficult

i think there are some yoshi posts that should get the tailbutt tag but not all of them and if they see it needs another tag it may get that as well

because like the barazoku tag it should have the tailbutt tag initially and a second more defining tag but we'll see when fleskywood checks this out. at least thats what it's starting to look like

oozeenthusiast said:
I think the definition I gave earlier was too narrow. My initial reaction to hearing about the tag was "Oh finally, a tag for the yoshi/goodra bodyshape!" but after more thought it seems to be much more broad than that.

that's honestly the intent of this tag but then i realized that shape can be varied on a little bit and still be considered similar

fliphook said:
well i think the first main point was it's a tag for creatures (of all kind) that have a tail instead of a butt (no glutes no buttcheeks) just a tail with thighs

the second point was to try and mix in a defintion that would cover the smooth thin or fleshy bulbous underside

but the add on kind of looks like it derailed a bit and now they want a more universal name which is proving to be difficult

i think there are some yoshi posts that should get the tailbutt tag but not all of them and if they see it needs another tag it may get that as well

because like the barazoku tag it should have the tailbutt tag initially and a second more defining tag but we'll see when fleskywood checks this out. at least thats what it's starting to look like

more tags to add more specificity sounds like a good idea actually. i can cede the belly point, since it might just be pedantry as well

fleskywood said:
more tags to add more specificity sounds like a good idea actually. i can cede the belly point, since it might just be pedantry as well

so then as well as a new belly/pelvic area tag i think the tailbutt tag needs to be tweaked as well, just to focus on the rear

fleskywood said:
that's honestly the intent of this tag but then i realized that shape can be varied on a little bit and still be considered similar

Even with the broader definition, it's still useful if you combine it with belly and/or bipedal.

It still can be reined in too though. It probably should be too. Just glancing through it I think images like the below don't fit.
post #4644280 post #4639343 post #4632382

oozeenthusiast said:
Even with the broader definition, it's still useful if you combine it with belly and/or bipedal.

It still can be reined in too though. It probably should be too. Just glancing through it I think images like the below don't fit.

maybe just not this one post #4639343 because its tag what you see and we can see he has butt cheeks which is not tailbutt but rather a tail and butt (although the cheeks don't meet perfectly in the middle)

and the others you can't really see but bowser would be more debatable

fliphook said:
maybe just not this one post #4639343 because its tag what you see and we can see he has butt cheeks which is not tailbutt but rather a tail and butt (although the cheeks don't meet perfectly in the middle)

and the others you can't really see but bowser would be more debatable

It is debatable, but my personal opinion is that the smooth crotch to tail transition is defining, and that bower doesn't qualify because his tail has a different color of scale from his belly.

oozeenthusiast said:
It is debatable, but my personal opinion is that the smooth crotch to tail transition is defining, and that bower doesn't qualify because his tail has a different color of scale from his belly.

well there may need a good definition for tailbutt regarding the perineum and bowser, again tag what you see, he does have a tail anus usually found in tailbutt creatures and not all scalies have that separate colored underside. he is also a fictional character of a fictional creature so it depends on who or how the artist draws him because we don't really know what real world animal he is based on



fliphook said:
maybe just not this one post #4639343 because its tag what you see and we can see he has butt cheeks which is not tailbutt but rather a tail and butt (although the cheeks don't meet perfectly in the middle)

I number of "tailbutts" have butts (including half of the examples in the original post), so a butt doesn't exclude it from applying.

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