Topic: [Feature] Light-mode e621

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
Neutral or mostly neutral optional light-mode theme for e621.

Why would it be useful?
Light mode can help create an invigorating environment that some individuals really like. It can also improve readability for individuals with astigmatism. While the Serpent and Hotdog themes may count as light mode themes, they might not be liked as a daily driver by most individuals.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The whole site, but only if the user selects it in the themes menu.

As someone with astigmatism myself, i think an official light theme would greatly benefit e621 users with astigmatism.

While we are at it, I think colorblind people might struggle to read tags on the side of post pages. Maybe we should change that as well.

electricitywolf said:
Sorry for bringing it up now, it was not there last time I checked.

It's a fairly new addition to the site, maybe a month? So it probably wasn't made yet when you last checked. I know many users have not discovered it yet. But it's still a pretty awesome set of options for colorblindness. Cinder did good!

Work-in-progress light theme. Feel free to try and give feedback.


You can find the Custom CSS Style configuration in advanced profile settings.