Topic: [APPROVED] Owl taxonomy tag fixes

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #6836 is active.

remove alias aegolius (24) -> saw-whet_owl (1)
remove alias saw_whet_owl (0) -> saw-whet_owl (1)
remove implication saw-whet_owl (1) -> true_owl (1681)
remove implication northern_saw-whet_owl (7) -> saw-whet_owl (1)
remove implication boreal_owl (18) -> true_owl (1681)

Reason: I know common names are preferred when they're still correct but as far as I can find, nobody calls the Aegolius genus as a group "saw-whet owls", so it's just not correct. Two of the four extant species don't even have saw-whet in their names. Also boreal owls are part of this genus.

Part 2:

alias saw-whet_owl -> aegolius
alias saw_whet_owl -> aegolius
imply aegolius -> true_owl
imply northern_saw-whet_owl -> aegolius
imply boreal_owl -> aegolius
imply unspotted_saw-whet_owl -> aegolius
imply buff-fronted_owl -> aegolius

Part 2 would preemptively imply two species that haven't been posted here yet, buff-fronted_owl and unspotted_saw-whet_owl. If that's a problem let me know

EDIT: The bulk update request #6836 (forum #393187) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #6862 is active.

remove alias tyto (771) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication masked_owl (9) -> tytonid (781)
remove implication barn_owl (745) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication sooty_owl (13) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication bahamian_barn_owl (0) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication andaman_masked_owl (0) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication australian_masked_owl (4) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication sulawesi_masked_owl (0) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication african_grass_owl (0) -> masked_owl (9)
remove implication eastern_grass_owl (0) -> masked_owl (9)

Reason: Similarly, nobody calls the Tyto genus as a group "masked owls". Masked owl refers to only 6 of the 15 species in this genus.

Part 2:

alias masked_owl -> tyto
imply tyto -> tytonid
imply barn_owl -> tyto
imply sooty_owl -> tyto
imply bahamian_barn_owl -> tyto
imply andaman_masked_owl -> tyto
imply australian_masked_owl -> tyto
imply sulawesi_masked_owl -> tyto
imply african_grass_owl -> tyto
imply eastern_grass_owl -> tyto

EDIT: The bulk update request #6862 (forum #393295) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #6868 is active.

create alias saw-whet_owl (1) -> aegolius (24)
create alias saw_whet_owl (0) -> aegolius (24)
create implication aegolius (24) -> true_owl (1681)
create implication northern_saw-whet_owl (7) -> aegolius (24)
create implication boreal_owl (18) -> aegolius (24)
create implication unspotted_saw-whet_owl (0) -> aegolius (24)
create implication buff-fronted_owl (0) -> aegolius (24)
create alias masked_owl (9) -> tyto (771)
create implication tyto (771) -> tytonid (781)
create implication barn_owl (745) -> tyto (771)
create implication sooty_owl (13) -> tyto (771)
create implication bahamian_barn_owl (0) -> tyto (771)
create implication andaman_masked_owl (0) -> tyto (771)
create implication minahasa_masked_owl (0) -> tyto (771)
create alias sulawesi_masked_owl (0) -> minahasa_masked_owl (0)
create implication australian_masked_owl (4) -> tyto (771)
create implication african_grass_owl (0) -> tyto (771)
create implication eastern_grass_owl (0) -> tyto (771)
create alias long_eared_owl (4) -> long-eared_owl (19)
create alias asio_otus (0) -> long-eared_owl (19)
create implication long-eared_owl (19) -> eared_owl (60)

Reason: followup + long-eared owl

EDIT: The bulk update request #6868 (forum #393352) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

The other species called masked owls have very little known about them, some aren't even confirmed to exist as only one specimen was ever found or biologists aren't sure if they are a subspecies of the australian masked owl. Would it be alright if we aliased masked_owl to australian_masked_owl? None of the other ones have any images on here anyway

Edit: Never mind I forgot the andaman masked owl wikipedia's disambig page is missing it


The bulk update request #6895 is active.

remove alias horned_owl (1420) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
remove alias eagle_owl (0) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
remove alias eagle-owl (0) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
remove implication bubo_(genus) (7) -> true_owl (1681)
remove implication snowy_owl (882) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
remove implication great_horned_owl (195) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
remove implication spot-bellied_eagle-owl (1) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
remove implication eurasian_eagle-owl (211) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
remove implication blakiston's_fish_owl (1) -> bubo_(genus) (7)
create implication spot-bellied_eagle-owl (1) -> ketupa (3)
create implication buffy_fish_owl (1) -> ketupa (3)
create implication ketupa (3) -> true_owl (1681)
remove implication fish_owl (1) -> true_owl (1681)
remove implication blakiston's_fish_owl (1) -> fish_owl (1)
create implication blakiston's_fish_owl (1) -> ketupa (3)
remove implication athene_(bird) (2) -> true_owl (1681)
remove implication burrowing_owl (38) -> athene_(bird) (2)
remove implication little_owl (25) -> athene_(bird) (2)
create implication western_screech_owl (2) -> screech_owl (39)
create implication ural_owl (11) -> strix_(genus) (85)
create implication black-and-white_owl (1) -> strix_(genus) (85)
create implication pygmy_owl (0) -> true_owl (1681)

Reason: More owl stuff...

The bubo genus's main common name (main as determined by wikipedia) is horned owl
The spot-bellied eagle owl is in genus Ketupa now. So is blakiston's fish owl. All the owls called "fish owl" are in this genus, but not all Ketupa owls are called fish owls.
I know wikipedia titled their article athene (bird),) but that doesn't match how e6 does genus suffixes, it should be athene_(genus), right?


alias bubo_(genus) -> horned_owl
alias eagle_owl -> horned_owl
alias eagle-owl -> horned_owl
imply horned_owl -> true_owl
imply snowy_owl -> horned_owl
imply great_horned_owl -> horned_owl
imply eurasian_eagle-owl -> horned_owl
alias athene_(bird) -> athene_(genus)
imply athene_(genus) -> true_owl
imply burrowing_owl -> athene_(genus)
imply little_owl -> athene_(genus)
alias fish_owl -> ketupa

EDIT: The bulk update request #6895 (forum #393518) has been approved by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #6967 is active.

create alias bubo_(genus) (7) -> horned_owl (1420)
create alias eagle_owl (0) -> horned_owl (1420)
create alias eagle-owl (0) -> horned_owl (1420)
create implication horned_owl (1420) -> true_owl (1681)
create implication snowy_owl (882) -> horned_owl (1420)
create implication great_horned_owl (195) -> horned_owl (1420)
create implication eurasian_eagle-owl (211) -> horned_owl (1420)
create alias athene_(bird) (2) -> athene_(genus) (68)
create implication athene_(genus) (68) -> true_owl (1681)
create implication burrowing_owl (38) -> athene_(genus) (68)
create implication little_owl (25) -> athene_(genus) (68)
create alias fish_owl (1) -> ketupa (3)

Reason: Followup

EDIT: The bulk update request #6967 (forum #394255) has been approved by @Rainbow_Dash.

Updated by auto moderator

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