Topic: E621 Style Website for non-furry? (E621 Framework)

Posted under General



E621 is probably one of the best NSFW Art Sites out there at the moment, if not THE best. It's easily the most user friendly in the current day, and with that in mind, I've got a question.

Would it be feasible to create a website with E621's framework for general NSFW work and not just non-furry?

"But D, that already exists with R34!"

Yes. And it sucks major ass.

R34's infrastructure has nearly completely sacrificed any and all user friendly elements for the sake of - from what I have been told - "security." While I understand the need to protect the site, it's users, the data and all the things in between, I question the effectiveness of those security changes given that 621 seems to be running just as tight of a ship without having to sacrifice the comfort and convenience that it provides its user-base. I hate to compare the two like it's a competition, but at this point it's hard not to with how many frustrating little things R34 has wrong with it that E621 doesn't, with an excuse that just doesn't quite hold up to me...

I suppose a new, general audience site would cost a lot of money, need a lot of attention, and a lot of dedicated admins and users to attend to it and use it. In the end, this is just a hypothetical I'm proposing out of frustration...that all being said, I will never again take for granted the work of 621's admin team, not that I did to begin with. The work that must go into keeping this place both easy and simple to use while also being secure must be astronomical, and they deserve all the praise and thanks in the world and more.

d4c said:
Would it be feasible to create a website with E621's framework for general NSFW work and not just non-furry?

You've got it backwards, e621's framework is based on open source software from a general audience imageboard, Danbooru. Danbooru is pretty limited unless you pay, so I would say the best on average is Gelbooru. I used to prefer Sankaku Channel, but they also went freemium among other strange behavior. There are some less known ones like konachan you'll run into sometimes, they're... fine. No other imageboard is as diligent about tagging as e621. But the good ones at least try.



arrow189 said:
You've got it backwards, e621's framework is based on open source software from a general audience imageboard, Danbooru. Danbooru is pretty limited unless you pay, so I would say the best on average is Gelbooru. I used to prefer Sankaku Channel, but they also went freemium among other strange behavior. There are some less known ones like konachan you'll run into sometimes, they're... fine. No other imageboard is as diligent about tagging as e621. But the good ones at least try.

Interesting...I'll check Danbooru out.

Also DAMN SankakuComplex going the way it did makes me sad as hell. That was the first of the booru sites that I ever found. Going back after years and seeing it went freemium stung. There's a lot of good stuff trapped there because the posters never put it anywhere else, I wager...

I do forever and always wish there was a booru for non-anime, non-furry, non-rule34 original art

I feel like I don't get to even know just how much original western human porn art is out there because it's all on some dogshit service i never use like twitter or deviant art and not on a dedicated archive with a presentation and staff worth a damn

dripen_arn said:
I do forever and always wish there was a booru for non-anime, non-furry, non-rule34 original art

I feel like I don't get to even know just how much original western human porn art is out there because it's all on some dogshit service i never use like twitter or deviant art and not on a dedicated archive with a presentation and staff worth a damn

doesn't danbooru allow non anime stuff? though i know it is the minority

benjiboyo said:
doesn't danbooru allow non anime stuff? though i know it is the minority

they do? i'll admit i don't really interact much with danbooru (or any other boorus besides this one honestly) so i just assumed they and gelbooru just specialized in japanese art

even then i still empathize with op's pipedream

E621 does run on a fairly modified version of Danbooru.
It's open source:
So it should be possible to run your own copy of it.

Although, I do want to ask – what do you mean by the site being user-friendly?
And conversely, what does R34 do that's not that? What frustrates you with that site?
I'm not asking just to make fun of them, but because e6 could definitely learn from other sites' mistakes.

The way I see it, what makes e621 a great site is its dedicated community of uploaders and taggers.
Rule34 sites typically don't have that, to the point where some of them run bots to copy posts and tags from e621.
And others simply barely bother tagging posts at all.



cinder said:
E621 does run on a fairly modified version of Danbooru.
It's open source:
So it should be possible to run your own copy of it.

Although, I do want to ask – what do you mean by the site being user-friendly?
And conversely, what does R34 do that's not that? What frustrates you with that site?
I'm not asking just to make fun of them, but because e6 could definitely learn from other sites' mistakes.

The way I see it, what makes e621 a great site is its dedicated community of uploaders and taggers.
Rule34 sites typically don't have that, to the point where some of them run bots to copy posts and tags from e621.
And others simply barely bother tagging posts at all.

I have a list...

1) The Blacklist being more focused, in that you can go line by line and blacklist something while allowing for exceptions to cherry pick things you like out a sea of stuff you wouldn't.
(i.e, I put "bowser -bowsette_meme" and still get bowsette while getting rid of normal bowser)
R34's blacklist doesn't allow for that. You put one thing on the blacklist and that's it. No combining tags for max effect, no exceptions for anything with that tag. It's inefficient and takes up blacklist space.
This especially doesn't help on a site that has damn near 1 Million separate tags. Many of them being for the same thing, so that thing that you dislike can slip past using another version of the tag that you didn't blacklist.

2) When the Blacklist blocks something for you on the page, it TELLS YOU what tags have been blacklisted, and hides the post completely.
R34 does not tell you what's been blacklisted, and puts a BIG UGLY GRAY "BLACKLISTED" box on the screen, usually resulting the in all but 2 of the images on the page being a bunch of gray boxes.

3) The ability to use tags to help filter through your searches. Let's say I wanted to find a particular picture of a character...Rouge as a super easy example.
For one, I can narrow down my favorites to filter out the characters images i'm not l looking for at that moment by using Rouge's tag.
And if I remember other tags that the image has, I can put in those tags to narrow the search further and find EXACTLY what I'm looking for.
R-34 has one of the worst favorites pages I've ever seen, in which you can't search through the tags of your favorites. Only scroll through you favorites page-by-page, or remove them

4) You are allowed to order the posts you search through by score and such, when R34 doesn't allow that.

5) R34's pool system is tedious and requires a constant back tracking to the pool page, when 621 allows you to go to the image in the pool easily from the one you're currently looking at.

6) R34 simply has TOO MANY TAGS. As mentioned above, it hurts the efficiency of the blacklist because you can only blacklist so many tags, and the worst of them have about 10 sub-tags EACH.
621 narrows that down, and it's tagging system automatically puts those tags under an umbrella that the search engine recognizes.

Some of these are little, some of them are big, but in the end they all make a Enormous difference in terms of quality.




A lot of what you describe looks like consequences of design philosophy/decisions. If you allow layered/recursed tag filters, you can make complicated blacklist entries like you mention in a short form. If you don't... it might not even be possible.

You should look up something called POSIX. One of the historic examples of a system designed to efficiently function like you mention, instead of... barely functioning and requiring 'elephants stomping around' to get anything done.

cinder said:
E621 does run on a fairly modified version of Danbooru.
It's open source:
So it should be possible to run your own copy of it.

Although, I do want to ask – what do you mean by the site being user-friendly?
And conversely, what does R34 do that's not that? What frustrates you with that site?
I'm not asking just to make fun of them, but because e6 could definitely learn from other sites' mistakes.

The way I see it, what makes e621 a great site is its dedicated community of uploaders and taggers.
Rule34 sites typically don't have that, to the point where some of them run bots to copy posts and tags from e621.
And others simply barely bother tagging posts at all.

1) Rule 34 has no default blacklist, even for non-authenticated users. I was looking for stuff and was met with necrophilia, which should be blocked by default by any sane designer. They say that they're "not responsible for what you may stumble on" but that's just straight up lazy to not have a default blacklist.

2) There is minimal, if any enforcement on Rule 34. There are rampant duplicate posts, and I'd like to look through a comment section without role-players making everyone uncomfortable.

3) There is no tag maintenance at all. You have many tags that mean the same thing, making blacklisting a nightmare, while e621 handles it all with well-maintained tag aliases and implications that get handled in the search bar. Like you said, it may just be due to the dedicated tagging community of e621, but copy/pasting e621 tags to Rule 34 is a band-aid fix without that robust infrastructure underneath.

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