I have had several submissions deleted because of an arbitrary, unsubstantiated claim, and, for lack of a better word, I think it is bulls%!t.
My last post was not up for long, but someone faved it--someone whose work clearly established them as a superior artist to myself. If they liked my post enough to be recognized, and this was someone who knew a little something about good and bad art, doesn't that mean my meager work deserves to at least hold a spot on the dusty back corner shelf of this grand exhibit known as e621?
I mean, these admins are not accredited art historians, and they probably got their illustrious position on this website because they knew a guy who knew a guy--so what exactly gives them the right to pass judgement on my art?
I'm not really asking for an explanation because there really is none--besides personal preference. And if personal preference cannot be quantified, then these "minimum quality standards" can't be quantified either.
Updated by NotMeNotYou