Topic: [Bug] Certain syntaxes for ranges no longer function for blacklists, like double dot (..)

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Bug overview description.

Lines on the blacklist that contain range syntax with two dots (..) no longer seem to function. I'm pretty confident that this is a regression.
While testing, I also noticed that most comparators (<, >, <=, >=) are also non-functional except when used for score. I'm less confident this is a regression from prior behavior, though.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

This seems to happen anywhere on the site where the blacklist is applied as a client-side function, such as on posts (for the post itself and its children) and search results.

What is the expected behavior?

As simple contrived examples,
1. Search for `id:1463715`
2. Click the "Blacklist" link in the top bar
3. Add id:1463715..1463715 or score:..1000 to the blacklist, as its own line, and then Save.
The results page should show that the only result matches the blacklist.

To show that the blacklist is otherwise functioning overall:
4. Add fox on its own line to the blacklist
The "Blacklisted" list should have header "Blacklisted(2)", and then list both fox and the other line being tested.
5. Click Disable All and then Re-enable All.
The only result should be hidden according to both blacklists.
6. Remove fox from the blacklist.
The result should still be blacklisted according to the other line.

What actual behavior is given instead?

After 3., the result is not blacklisted.
After 4., the header lists "Blacklisted(1)", and only fox is listed as matching the results.
After 6., the result is no longer blacklisted and reappears.

Time of incident (if applicable).

I noticed this earlier today. There are some complaints at post #4649613 that might be related, which started about 2 days ago.

Can you reproduce the bug every time?


What steps did you take to replicate this bug?

In addition to the above procedure, I've been trying and changing lines like:

  • score:..-10 for heavily downvoted posts in general
  • blood score:..50 to blacklist all posts tagged "blood" of score 50 or lower

For "score" specifically, syntax like score:<-10 does seem to work. However other ranges with comparators, like id:>1463700or date:<2024-03-12, don't seem to work.

Errors or other messages returned (if any).

None known

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