Topic: Half-sibling BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #7112 is pending approval.

create alias half-siblings (74) -> half-sibling_(lore) (0)
create alias half-sibling (0) -> half-sibling_(lore) (0)
create alias half_sibling (0) -> half-sibling_(lore) (0)
create alias half_siblings (21) -> half-sibling_(lore) (0)
create alias half-sister (4) -> half-sister_(lore) (0)
create alias half_sister (0) -> half-sister_(lore) (0)
create alias half-brother (28) -> half-brother_(lore) (0)
create alias half_brother (10) -> half-brother_(lore) (0)
create implication half-sister_(lore) (0) -> half-sibling_(lore) (0)
create implication half-brother_(lore) (0) -> half-sibling_(lore) (0)
create alias half-sisters (10) -> half-sisters_(lore) (0)
create alias half-brothers (56) -> half-brothers_(lore) (0)
create alias half-brother_and_half-sister (0) -> half-brother_and_half-sister_(lore) (0)
create implication half-sisters_(lore) (0) -> half-sister_(lore) (0)
create implication half-brothers_(lore) (0) -> half-brother_(lore) (0)
create implication half-brother_and_half-sister_(lore) (0) -> half-brother_(lore) (0)
create implication half-brother_and_half-sister_(lore) (0) -> half-sister_(lore) (0)

Reason: Been looking for family-related tags that haven't been lore-ified yet, realized we don't yet have these.

I feel like these should also imply sibling_(lore) since they are biologically related through one parent, but I'm not sure so I'm leaving it out for now...

Also luckily for us these are the only tags half- applies to... Unlike in-laws, which I've been glaring at for a hot second in fear of making that giant BUR.

The bulk update request #7114 is pending approval.

create implication half-sibling_(lore) (0) -> sibling_(lore) (49960)
create implication half-sister_(lore) (0) -> sister_(lore) (32641)
create implication half-brother_(lore) (0) -> brother_(lore) (32739)
create implication half-sisters_(lore) (0) -> sisters_(lore) (13085)
create implication half-brothers_(lore) (0) -> brothers_(lore) (13235)
create implication half-brother_and_half-sister_(lore) (0) -> brother_and_sister_(lore) (18012)

Reason: Like I said I'm not 100% sure but I'll propose it regardless. Half-siblings are biologically related even if they don't have the same SET of parents.

Bumping since this is the most straightforward of my family tag related BURs since it only involves siblings, so no funky layers like the parent and child tags have.

You wrote half-brother wrong here:

create alias half_brother (11) -> half-btother_(lore) (0)