Topic: Raipunny hybrid BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I would prefer that the pokemon hybrids to be aliased to pokemon_hybrid/hybrid_pokemon to avoid hybrid clogging up the autocomplete

snpthecat said:
I would prefer that the pokemon hybrids to be aliased to pokemon_hybrid/hybrid_pokemon to avoid hybrid clogging up the autocomplete

Wouldn't that just end up causing pokemon_hybrid/hybrid_pokemon to clog up the autocomplete? No matter what it's aliased to, the target will likely have a higher use count than any one pokemon. I do remember bringing up a similar issue with all these pokemon hybrid names being aliased, causing most attempts to type in and autocomplete a pokemon name to get these largely useless aliases, but the tags can't stay and an alias is the only way to get rid of them.

watsit said:
Wouldn't that just end up causing pokemon_hybrid/hybrid_pokemon to clog up the autocomplete? No matter what it's aliased to, the target will likely have a higher use count than any one pokemon. I do remember bringing up a similar issue with all these pokemon hybrid names being aliased, causing most attempts to type in and autocomplete a pokemon name to get these largely useless aliases, but the tags can't stay and an alias is the only way to get rid of them.

Searching hybrid pokemon yields 155 pages, which is 11625 posts. Even if all of these are actual hybrid_pokemon, vaporeon has 12049 posts, which is a slight counterexample, though I would concede most other pokemon tags aren't as populous as vaporeon

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