Topic: Genital_piercing tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

im against that vaginal piercing tag because vagina is not the name of the outer bits, its name for the inner part of girl bits, the socket where dick goes and its kinda hard to get that meat sock pierced

Updated by anonymous

Mutisija said:
im against that vaginal piercing tag because vagina is not the name of the outer bits, its name for the inner part of girl bits, the socket where dick goes and its kinda hard to get that meat sock pierced

How about vaginal_piercing → pussy_piercing then? I think there should at least be an umbrella tag for it since there's labia_piercing and clitoris_piercing as well.

NoctemWerewolf said:
I prefer the genital_piercing tag, because it's easier to search and it's correct as everything of that is well, in the genitals.

These would all imply genital_piercing so I don't see that being an issue.

Updated by anonymous

Blind_Guardian said:
So, balls_piercing, pussy_piercing, cock_piercing are all aliased to genital_piercing. Shouldn't they be aliased to each type of piercing instead of the broader tag?

balls_piercing → scrotum_piercing
pussy_piercing → vaginal_piercing
cock_piercing → penis_piercing

Blind_Guardian said:
How about vaginal_piercing → pussy_piercing then? I think there should at least be an umbrella tag for it since there's labia_piercing and clitoris_piercing as well.

These would all imply genital_piercing so I don't see that being an issue.

I actually quite like this idea. It's a lot more consistent for people's searches. (currently searching scrotum_piercing will show you different results than if you searched balls_piercing. They should show you the same results). And if all of them are made to implicate genital_piercing then search functionality is only gained with nothing lost. I like it. I think it's a good idea.

Updated by anonymous

Never noticed this was the case. We're definitely in a better position than we were 6 months ago to move those implications.

My thoughts:

Implication: foreskin_piercing -> uncut

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Never noticed this was the case. We're definitely in a better position than we were 6 months ago to move those implications.

My thoughts...

Got some thoughts to expand on that:
Reverse the alias of prince_albert: prince_albert -> prince_albert_piercing (aliased in forum #149446)
Same with lorum (low frenum):
lorum_(piercing) -> lorum_piercing

Why? Consistency, and the fact of insisting that the prince albert piercing must be called "prince albert" and the lorum piercing must be called "lorum" is a little... stupid, in lack for better words. In addition, not everyone knows what a prince albert is, but prince_albert_piercing will at least hint at it. Same with lorum_piercing.

Alias lorum to lorum_piercing, as far as I know there's nothing else known as "lorum".

Imply frenum_piercing on lorum_piercing? However depending on viewer it might just be a scrotum_piercing, so might be ambiguous.

Shouldn't chastity_piercing imply genital_piercing or maybe there are forms which don't include penis_piercing or labia_piercing?

Updated by anonymous

Chessax said:
Got some thoughts to expand on that:
Reverse the alias of prince_albert: prince_albert -> prince_albert_piercing (aliased in forum #149446)
Same with lorum (low frenum):
lorum_(piercing) -> lorum_piercing

Why? Consistency, and the fact of insisting that the prince albert piercing must be called "prince albert" and the lorum piercing must be called "lorum" is a little... stupid, in lack for better words. In addition, not everyone knows what a prince albert is, but prince_albert_piercing will at least hint at it. Same with lorum_piercing.

Alias lorum to lorum_piercing, as far as I know there's nothing else known as "lorum".

I agree with all of this.

Imply frenum_piercing on lorum_piercing? However depending on viewer it might just be a scrotum_piercing, so might be ambiguous.

I'm not familiar enough with the piercing to make a judgement call here. If you think it's too ambiguous it might be better to just leave it on genital_piercing.

Shouldn't chastity_piercing imply genital_piercing or maybe there are forms which don't include penis_piercing or labia_piercing?

I suggested implicating it in forum #144487 to labia_piercing without realizing there was penis versions of it, but somehow it never occured to me to do genital_piercing. That could probably work alright.

Edit: I just realized we have ~125 on vaginal_piercing with no implications, and implications for both labia_piercing and clitoris_piercing, however pussy_piercing is aliased to genital_piercing. We should probably move some of these around somehow. Perhaps this might work?

That way pussy_piercing can be the broader tag of the three, and serve as a general dumping tag for the other two more specific pussy piercings.


Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
I'm not familiar enough with the piercing to make a judgement call here. If you think it's too ambiguous it might be better to just leave it on genital_piercing.

I know what I consider a frenum/lorum/scrotum-piercing to be, that doesn't mean everyone else thinks so, hence why the ambiguity warning, but might be best left alone for now if no-one else speaks up.

parasprite said:
Edit: I just realized we have ~125 on vaginal_piercing with no implications, and implications for both labia_piercing and clitoris_piercing, however pussy_piercing is aliased to genital_piercing. We should probably move some of these around somehow. Perhaps this might work?

That way pussy_piercing can be the broader tag of the three, and serve as a general dumping tag for the other two more specific pussy piercings.


What the... pussy_piercing aliased to genital_piercing? That's not gonna work, tried searching pussy_piercing -pussy, that gives >1600 posts of penes, which makes no sense at all, it should be (close to) 0.

Anyway, I agree with you.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, I'm going to start working on these now.

Changes made:


Updated by anonymous