Topic: Tag Implication: lipples -> mouth_nipples

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

I'm not sure I see the value in tagging the two differently when it's already a fairly niche tag to begin with (70 posts atm) Especially since neither the meaning of the word "lipples" nor the distinction between "lipples" and "mouth nipples" are going to be immediately obvious to most people.

Updated by anonymous

Now that you mention it... Yeah, maybe that'd be better.
'Mouth_nipples' made me think of some kind of 'nipples as lips', the first time I saw that tag.

Updated by anonymous

Haha, I thought the same thing. Yeah, should be changed :P

Updated by anonymous

ok, so i haven't seen everything and i don't thing i even want to know about this tag. o.O and here i thought having balls as an udder was strange.

note to self: always remember, no matter how strange/disturbing/horrifying something seems there is always, ALWAYS, something moreso somewhere in the world (or internet).

Updated by anonymous

Unalias request denied. We don't make much of a distinction between types as there isn't much of a need with how little there is out there.

However, the nipple_mouth alias that Delian suggested is now approved.

Updated by anonymous

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