Topic: Tag Implication: cervical_penetration -> cervix

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Considering anal_penetration doesn't imply anus and vaginal_penetration doesn't imply pussy, I'd expect this to not work as an implication. I can easily imagine something penetrating into the womb without it actually showing the cervix, but I've yet to actually track down one.

Thoughts on this?

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
Thoughts on this?

I think this one would *usually* work out right, but it's not a guarantee. I'd vote nay based on that and the precedents of anal/vaginal you mentioned.

Updated by anonymous

Implication denied for the reasons already mentioned. Even though it would usually work out right, it's not enough to justify an implication. I'd also suspect that the tag is used more for when you can see the cervix from an outside perspective (gyno appt) and less in relation to "unnatural" internal views, but that's just my guess.

Updated by anonymous

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