Topic: [APPWUVD] Invawidation of a coupwe of tags

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The buwk update wequest #7346 has been appwuvd ^w^

change categowy (chawactew) (30) -> invawid
change categowy (awtist) (3) -> invawid
change categowy cweed_(disambiguation) (46) -> invawid

Weason: Awiasing (chawactew) to chawactew since that seems to be the best destinyation nyot being abwe to awias away tags stawting in ( is a bit annyoying
invawidating (awtist) because awtist is in use. (Though thewe's awtist:)

EDIT: The bulk update request #7346 (forum #398305) has been approved by @slyroon.


Odds are that (artist) and (character) were typos, the underscore accidentally left out when the artist or character tag was added. So, this is a good idea.

slyroon said:
I had to do a lot of double takes to be certain of this one.

SNP clearly had a lot of fun this April First. :p

snpthecat said:
The buwk update wequest #7880 is pending appwoval ^w^

change categowy (wowe) (2) -> invawid

Weason: Pwobabwy cweated when the taggew types space instead of undewscowe

Somewhat annyoying that you can't cweate wikis fow tags that viowate the nyaming convention


(but seriously, at the very least for accessibility's sake, can you have a normal version of this somewhere?

strikerman said:

(but seriously, at the very least for accessibility's sake, can you have a normal version of this somewhere?

you can click on the link at the top of the post and it's in plaintext there.

dba_afish said:
you can click on the link at the top of the post and it's in plaintext there.

I'll also include SNP's reasoning as being part of accessibility.

stwikewman said:
I'ww awso incwude SNP's weasonying as being pawt of accessibiwity.

Reason: Probably created when the tagger types space instead of underscore

Somewhat annoying that you can't create wikis for tags that violate the naming convention
