Topic: Taking Requests! (Free art! :D)

Posted under Art Talk

quartzart said:
ffff <3 everyone around here is so nice and polite. On other sites I've been on everyone throws a hissy fit if you don't give them their free stuff LOLNOW x3


Draw wasps. An anthro wasp.
A smug anthro wasp; you'll make the world's only happy wasp.

Updated by anonymous

Tunguska said:

Draw wasps. An anthro wasp.
A smug anthro wasp; you'll make the world's only happy wasp.

oooo I've never done any anthro insects before. I'll definitely have to give this one a shot.

Updated by anonymous

quartzart said:
oooo I've never done any anthro insects before. I'll definitely have to give this one a shot.

mein gott it worked

If I had the capacity for facial expressions I'd be shocked.

Updated by anonymous

Tunguska said:
mein gott it worked

If I had the capacity for facial expressions I'd be shocked.

it's likely to be a little while, but I really do hope I can whip something together for you! ;u;

Updated by anonymous

Hey, uh, I litterly have ∅ artwork of my any of my characters. I would love it if you could do one for me, pm me if you feel like doing something for me just keep in mind all my char refs are going to be snapshots from sl and takes some time to collect them.
Plus unlike most people I cant pay anything because I don't work, so free is perfect lol ^^'

Updated by anonymous

Something Pokemon related would be nice. Can be any one you want. :)

Updated by anonymous

Tcharger said:
Something Pokemon related would be nice. Can be any one you want. :)


Updated by anonymous

quartzart said:
Hey everyone! Hopefully this is the right place for this. I'm pretty new here ;u;

Anyway, I'm hoping to do some free art for you all so that I can continue to improve! I think I'm off to a fairly good start, but I always strive to get better c:

Examples in order from oldest to newest~

Inked, coloured, and shaded
!NEW! My Fursona Ref

Finished Freebies~

Feel free to suggest things for me to draw! I've been trying to do something every day and want some new characters to draw besides my friends and my characters. :D

wow you do fantastic work~Good job!

Updated by anonymous

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