Topic: Tiny Empires SMP BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #7513 is active.

create implication empires_smp_(season_1) (2) -> empires_smp (9)
create implication empires_smp_(season_2) (7) -> empires_smp (9)

Reason: The two seasons of Empires SMP are distinct continuities with significantly different characters, so they should have distinct tags, while also implying the more general copyright tag.

For example, LDShadowLady in season 1 is an axolotl humanoid, and in season 2 she is an anthro cat. These characters live different lives in different settings.

post #4674252 post #4674237

Regardless, both seasons are still Empires SMP, just different iterations of it.

EDIT: The bulk update request #7513 (forum #400270) has been approved by @Cinder.

Updated by auto moderator

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