Topic: Mass update: plush_stuffing -> stuffing_(plush)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

That's a can of worms, isn't it? Doesn't stuffing_(plush) imply the existence of e.g stuffing_(pillow)? It would be simpler for there to just be a tag for stuffing(foam, cotton, down, polyfill etc) itself. That would make a search or blacklist of plush stuffing_tag or stuffing_tag -plush equally effective. In other cases we've been told to avoid using _(disamgibuators) in situations like this, where a combination of discreet tags can define the same set of images.

That would have the added benefit of leaving plush_stuffing open for the actual act of stuffing a plush, which must have at least a few pictures.

Amusingly, the tag stuffing has been consumed by an act of gluttony, so I'm not sure what this hypothetical stuffing tag should be called. Would be valid to reclaim stuffing by updating it to overeating or something?

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