Topic: Tag alias: musk_cloud -> musk_clouds

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Wouldn't aliasing musk_clouds to musk_cloud make more sense? Cause like, if there's musk clouds, there's a musk cloud, but if there's only a musk cloud, there's technically no musk clouds

sdgn5 said:
Wouldn't aliasing musk_clouds to musk_cloud make more sense? Cause like, if there's musk clouds, there's a musk cloud, but if there's only a musk cloud, there's technically no musk clouds

I'm unsure it's worth the semantics when we already don't do this for tags such as sweaty_breasts or sweaty_feet which could refer to just sweat on one breast or foot for example. If we really wanted to get into semantics with that the best tags would be breast_sweat, butt_sweat, foot_sweat, etc but it doesn't actual elicit any confusion or hardship to just keep these tags as plural. Another example would be how an image only showing one thigh can still have the tag thick_thighs. Hope this makes some sense because that's just how I see it.

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